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Home :: Marine Fish & Marine Inverts

  Live rock, live corals, marine fish, in Marine cube complete aquarium

Description: Complete Marine Fish tank for Sale £750 all in.

Included in the sale is 30 to 40 kilo of live rock. Ive set all these up as towers on reef rods, having drilled through the middle, so i get lots of good overhangs. Live rock alone at cost would be £400, and is well matured with lots of life and growth on.

Numerous corals throughout.

I tried to count, but there are at least 70 to 80 green and stripped mushrooms dotted about in colonies, some 3 to 4 inches across,

12 to 15 red mushrooms.

Lovely large bright orange Ric

and a number of smaller green metalic Rics

Numerous long lash browny / dark green zoas

Kenya tree and off shoots dotted around tank

2 toadstool corals

green star polyps

Fish included

Pair of clown fish

Mandarin, eats well, and does eat flake etc bonus

Yellow Tang 5 " approx

Coral Beauty 4"approx

Royal Gramma

Red Fire Shrimp

NOTE. not looking to break down at this time, so please dont make contact asking how much individual items are. thanks

Tank is a 24 inch x 24 inch cube, make Clear seal, but is 26inches tall. In Oak

With cabinet stands 59 inches (150cm) high, however i have made a matching unit that sits on the top that takes the LED unit, and hides it from view.

The lighting on this tank is a LED IT2040, suitable for 2 foot tanks. Is a single unit, and has programable settings so you can set up moonlight, daybreak, mood swings with clouds etc. ive never run my LEDs at 100%, most of the time the whites have hardly been on 60% max, and blues 50%, with this there is plenty enough light and growth. Unit is only a year old so tonnes of life left in it yet, and as i said only run at 60% max.

There is a weir to the left hand side and drops into a 2 section sump with all pipework.

Tank comes complete with

V200 protein skimmer

UV unit (never had a single problem with any illness running this)

2 power heads


return pump

some food and bits and pieces like test kits, glass cleaners

Also included will be the RO unit, found this invaluable, as it saves lumping water back and forth from the pet shop.

I also have a reactor that i will put in as well, but will need to find this.

Whole set up with fish and corals look stunning and worth a few thousand pounds. Only selling as we have had twins this year, and not finding the time to properly look after it, and need the space for their things as we accumulate kids stuff!!!! Will be gutted to see it go, but needs must at the mo. But would prefer that the person buying is fully aware of the needs of marine fish, and has experience of looking after them, as they must go to a good home where they will be looked after.

please note : If i feel you can't, or you know very little about them, i will not let them go, they are at the end of the day our pets and must go to a home where they will thrive with the right care.

Obviously you will need containers if you want to take water, but would benefit from a bit of a refresh, but i do have 2 x 25 litre containers i can add in as well, to take some of the existing water

Please feel free to ask any questions. Not looking to break down at this time.

Due to size etc collection only

Contact Information
Advertiser: Al
Telephone: 07528971376
Town: Cardiff
County: Glamorgan

Advert stats: [Added or updated:06/12/16 Views: 1740]

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