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Home :: Marine Fish & Marine Inverts

  Marine fish, Inverts, Corals, Live rock, etc in Marine set up

Description: Live Rock lots of with different soft corals
Clown fish
African clown,
coral beauty
Purple stripe dottyback
Cleaner shrimp
Turbo snails
Sand snails

I am having to sell my much loved fish tank. The tank is Jewel 120 lido and is 1year and a half old. It is in perfect condition and the t lights have only been used for a few months due to buying razor lights which I will be included in sale. . Hopefully I can sell as a full set up. I will include Ro unit with 3 month old resin hardly used. Frozen food, dried food, refractor, pumps, heaters, 4 25lt containers, salifert test kits, flipper cleaner, everything you need to run a marine tank. Tads meter, battery thermometer etc
This what it includes:
Jewel lido 120 no scratches on glass excellent condition
Media, pump, power head, heater

Contact Information
Advertiser: Sarah Reid
Telephone: 01333312092
Town: Anstruther
County: Fife

Advert stats: [Added or updated:15/11/16 Views: 1784]

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