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  Marine reef tank set up, fish and corals for sale

Description: Fluvial Reef M90 135 lite Aquarium and cabinet for sale.

Comes complete with Fluval Sea Marine & Reef Performance LED Lighting, which emits essential actinic blue wavelengths for full-spectrum coverage, protein skimmer, circulation pump, heater, recirculation pump and automatic top-up system and cabinet.
A unique integrated drainage assembly in rear filter compartment is connected through to the valve inside the cabinet allowing you to change up to 20% of aquarium volume without the water level in the main tank dropping. This means your corals will never be stressed by exposing them to air. The discreet drainage system allows for a clean neat approach to water changes.
The tank is stocked with live rock, clean up crew (assorted snails, Strawberry Conch, Fire shrimp and Cleaner shrimp), various corals (polyps, buttons, tree corals and torch), a Feather duster, a pair of tank bred clown fish, a pair of Pajama Cardinals, a six-line wrasse and a Sulphur Goby.
I'm looking to sell the whole set up as a single package for £450, but I will sell the fish, corals etc separately.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Andy Cornell
Telephone: 07477361313
Town: Swindon
County: Wiltshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:23/10/16 Views: 1676]

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