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  Pachyclavularia Sp Green Star Polyps Not Clavularia or Briareum

Description: I have for sale this piece which is about 8" around on live rock. Very similar to my other ad but these have a bright white centre to the polyps.
Picture not the best but it gives you a reasonable idea of how good they look.
This piece is £40.
Care as follows.
The Green Star Polyps P. violacea is very easy to care for and the only requirement is moderate to strong turbulent water flow to remove detritus, and helps with optimal polyp expansion. Most light is acceptable, and providing actinic lighting can bring out any iridescent colors. Metal halides may be too strong, which will be evident it the coral color becomes pale or bleached out.
In the wild, Pachyclavularia corals have developed several feeding strategies. They can absorb dissolved organic matter from the water column, and have a symbiotic relationship with a marine algae known as zooxanthellae, where they also receive some of their nutrients.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Jon
Telephone: 07753 743179
Town: Leicester
County: Leicestershire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:20/04/16 Views: 1789]

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