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  New Delivery of over 250 Marine Fish - Bradford, West Yorkshire

Description: Checkout our latest stock available from wibsey marines in Bradford west Yorkshire, video shows some of the actual current livestock in

CORAL BEAUTY ANGEL / Centropyge bispinosus


HALFBLACK ANGEL / Centropyge Vroliki


ORIOLE ANGEL / Centropyge bicolor


YELLOW ANGEL / Centropyge heraldi


BLUE STARFISH / Linckia laevigata


RED CHECKERED BUTTERFLY / Chaetodon xanthurus


KLIENNIE BUTTERFLY / Chaetodon klieni


TEARDROP BUTTERFLY - Lemon / Chaetodon unimaculatus


MANDARIN-GREEN / Pterosynchiropus splendidus


FIREFISH GOBY / Nemateleotris magnifica


TEARDROP BUTTERFLY - Lemon / Chaetodon unimaculatus


FLAME GOBY / Nemateleotris decora


PRETTY PRAWN GOBY / Valenciennea puellaris


YELLOW TANG / Acanthurus pyroferus


LIPSTICK TANG / Naso lituratus


LINEATUS TANG / Acanthurus lineatus


MOORISH IDOL / Zanclus canescenes


SAILFIN TANG / Zebrasoma desjardinii


RED WRASSE JUV. / Coris gainard


BLUE SPOTTED JELLY FISH / Taeniura lymma Species


RED STARFISH / Fromia monilis


FOXFACE / Lo vulpinus


POWDER BROWN TANG / Acanthurus japonicus


MIRROR BUTTERFLYFISH / Chaetodon speculum


JAP. SWALLOW ANGEL / Genicanthus melanospilus


RUSTY ANGEL / Centropyge ferrugatus


GOLDEN TREVALLY / Gnathanodon speciosus


BLACK &WHITE HENIOCHUS / Heniochus acumminatus


CONVICT TANG / Acanthurus triostegus


CORAL HOGFISH / Bodianus mesothorax


BLUE EYE TANG / Ctenochaetus binotatus


Chocolate Chip Starfish


Contact Information
Advertiser: Wibsey Marines
Telephone: 07779162162
Town: Bradford
County: West Yorkshire
Web Link: ...

Advert stats: [Added or updated:27/04/15 Views: 2181]

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