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  94l complete marine aquarium setup

Description: Complete marine setup, everything you need!

94 litre Kent Bio Reef all in one marine aquarium - everything is built into the back of the tank, so no external pipework, sumps etc. Nice and tidy, ideal for a marine newbie!

You can see the full spec for this tank by Googling "Kent Bio Reef" :)

Dimensions -
* 570mm (H)
* 450mm (W)
* 510mm (L)
* capacity of 94 Litres/21 Gallons

Lighting -
* 1 x 36 watt Power Compact Daylight Lamp - 10,000K Marine white lamp
* 1 x 36 watt Power Compact Daylight Blue - 50% 10,000K Marine White, 50% Actinic Blue
* 6 x 1 watt Marine White LED's
* 4 x 0.5 watt Marine Blue LED's

Includes -
* Built in filter system
* Protein skimmer
* Heater
* 2x wave makers
* Custom beech cabinet
* Water test kits
* Various meds & additives
* R/O (reverse osmosis) unit with built in water storage tank - really easy to fit under your sink.
* Includes approx 15kg live rock
* Aragonite sand

Livestock -
* Pyjama wrasse
* Tricardia maxima clam (cost £60 originally, has grown since!)
* Red leg and blue leg hermits
* Ring cowries
* Turbo snails
* Black emerald crab
* Several pistol shrimps
* Various small tubeworms, loads of tiny cushion stars etc.
* Various corals including: several mushroom species, pulsing xenia, large pussy corals, devils fingers, zoas, yellow polyps and various star polyps.

About the tank -
Mature tank, been running almost 2 years but no longer have time or energy to maintain it due to ill health. Great way to avoid new tank syndrome, buying an complete setup! Room for 2-3 more fish of approx. 2 inches - we've happily housed a Royal Gramma and Caribbean Chalk Bass in here with the wrasse.

Transport -
We have large (25l) lidded buckets which will be included for you to transport the tank contents. Tank is collection only.

It's a bargain!
It's cost us well over £1,500 all told and all the corals and critters have grown on really well.

Beautiful tank, sad to see it go but needs to be with someone who is able to look after it. It stays in nice shape with a 10 litre water change every 2-3 weeks.

Alternative cabinet -
It is currently standing on a 5 foot Jewel cabinet in beech which can be included for £100. Will add a photo of the custom beech cabinet we had made for it when I get it out of the garage! (the custom stand is a lower height, making maintenance of this deep tank easier! the custom stand cost £130 to have made by an aquarium cabinet manufacturer)

Viewings -
You are welcome to view, please email to arrange this.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Moogie
Telephone: 01305789133
Town: Weymouth
County: Dorset

Advert stats: [Added or updated:05/12/14 Views: 1884]

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