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Home :: Marine Fish & Marine Inverts

  Full marine fish tank with corals, inverts , some fish £400

Description: Marine reef fish tank setup sell all together
60-70+key live rock been in different tanks I have had over the years lots of growth there is a few left a pair of pink talbot damsels a blue damsel a electric damsel a fugi damsel cleaner shrimp / crabs / turbo snails / sand sifting star fish / baby star fish and baby turbo snails corals/ Xenia / mushroom colonies / devil fingers / polyps small hammer head now lights 4 x aqua rays all running on own ballasts 2 white 1 blue 1 blue/ white / also 2 deltec led blue spots that make the pink and purple really pop /skimmer is a Red Sea primz /led 300w heater Fluval small sand bead filter with poly filter in it keeps water quality gin clear me family call it HD water also has a pressurised filter Fluval 305 running and the tank is only six months old aqua manta 280 litre if I can remember right test kits may be other stuff just can't think that many bits thanks
Tank gave £250 for it live Rock
Heater Fluval LCD 300l
Fluval 305 filter
Cleaner shrimp
Lights aqua rays
white led strip
blue led strip
white led strip
white / blue led strip
There's over a £1100 worth of bits what I have advertised.To buy for new looking into £3000 + so grab a bargain will sell all together wanted £700 but realistic was looking around £600 but took deposit £100 for a few items but guy not turned up or even been in touch so he Has now lost his deposit I am hardly on here internet so phone me on my num or message me thanks if interested in the reef thanks will not reply to texts reduced to £600 was asking a £1000 at first but now reduced to £600 bargain need gone as am working away a lot but also in no rush to sell as I will be gutted but has to be done I also keep royals or Balls morphs always looking for new bits maybe we could sort some think out thanks jay
Every thinks there every think so grab a great piece of kit your very own coral reef cheers lots of time and money spent I youse to run a sump but there's that much live rock it's not needed please call as internet been playing up with me signal so please call viewing welcome as pics do the tank no justice on iPad

Contact Information
Advertiser: James
Telephone: 07586281236
Town: Liverpool
County: Merseyside

Advert stats: [Added or updated:11/12/14 Views: 2384]

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