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  Juwell trigon 350 full very mature marine setup

Description: I am selling my Juwel Trigon 350 corner marine system after 7 years of owning this system, I have finally decided to leave the hobby, the tank comes fully stocked and comes with over 60kg of live rock (running berlin method where no external filtratation is required) the live rock is the eco system for the tank, the tank comes with one arcadia blue led light and one 120watt blue and white tile light (needs to be suspended from ceiling) the blue and white on the tile light works indepently or both together, comes with 4 powerheads for water movement and a Deltec mce600 hang on skimmer, fluvall E300 300watt electronic heater, there is a rena xp3 canister filter which contains 2 sponges and bags of carbon (so not being used as a biological filter).
The tank comes with the following fish
1, 1 talbot damsel
2, 2 green chromis
3, 2 maroon clownfish (lays eggs regularly)
4, 1 large blue tang
5, 1 very large sailfin tang
6, 1 yellow tang
7, 1 picasso trigger fish
8, 1 falco hawkfish
9, 1 flame angel
10, 1 hybrid lemon peel angel (not quite a bright as a lemon peel angel but has a row of neon blue spots running down his back, looks stunning at night)
11, 1 cleaner wrasse (over 2 and a half years old now very unusal for these)
12, 1 large spikey sea urchin
Yes I do have 2 dwarf angels living in the same tank (even the lfs was supprised at this) they have been together for over 3 years now and are very happy together.
huge amount of soft corals, far to many to list, look at the pictures as it comes with everything you see in the pictures, also a tmc auto top up (twin sensor unit) there will be 5 barrels and some buckets to help with moving everything, as you will need to take as much of the water as possible, as you can see this is a stunning looking tank and it has taken several years to get to this state, but tank is not new there is some water damage to the cabinet and there are some light scratches to the glass (but not noticeable from about 18inch).
The tank will not be split up and nothing will be sold seperatly so what you see is what you get, I am pricing the tank to sell so no stupid offers as the fish alone are worth over £400, any body who tries to ring on a withheld number will get a message saying number not in use (unblock your number and you will get me). I am happy to answer any questions you may have about this setup and you will need a transit sized van to move it all and some strong people to help, obviously I will not be held responsible for the tank after is has been purchased, you will see it as in the pictures and it will be your responsibilty to move it all safely.
£850 tel 07898320711 Collection from Ilkeston, Derbyshire, DE74AZ

I keep trying to get a photo up but for some reason it wont let me, if your having trouble with the web links then text me a email address and I will send you some photos

Contact Information
Advertiser: David Dakin
Telephone: 07898320711
Town: Ilkeston
County: Derbyshire
Web Link: ...
Web Link: ...

Advert stats: [Added or updated:19/11/14 Views: 2171]

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