Regal Tang £28
Yellow Tang £27
Starry Algae Blenny £14
Blue Cheek Goby £11
Chalk Goby £13
Flame Angel £49
Coral beauty (Aussie) ££26
Manderin £18
Red Scooter blenny ££15
Green Chromis £4
Cleaner Shrimp £11
Blood Shrimp £17
Assorted Torch Corals £39
Squamosa Clam 4-5 inches £69
Green Bubble tip anemone £30
Ritteri purple Anemone £25
Lots and lots more corals too many to list, welcome to view
Contact Information Advertiser: Darren Telephone: 07771907763
Town: Rotherham
County: South Yorkshire
Advert stats: [Added or updated:21/08/14 Views: 2366]
