Complete Marine Fish Tank (120 Litres) for Sale, Includes
Yellow Tang
Algae Blenny
3 Damsels
Cleaner Shrimp
Fire Shrimp
Peppermint Shrimp
Crabs and Snails
Toadstool Coral, 2 Finger Corals, Leather Coral, Sponge Coral, Mushroom Coral
£120 of Live Rock
£60 Live sand
TMC Compact Protein Skimmer
Large Internal Fluval Filter
Medium Sized Internal Fluval Filter
1600litre Powerhead
2500 litre powerhead
3 T5 (2 Blue, 1 White) plus 2 spare T5 lights
(algae cleaner, magnetic cleaner, marine wipes, gloves, tubes...)
£100 pounds of chemicals and buffers
Used to house 20 fishes and various corals. Would like to sell everything in one go. More than £800 of equipment, fish, corals, chemicals. Tank comes with the wooden stand with storage space inside. Mature tank for 2 years
Video is quiet old, most fish and corals have been sold
Contact Information Advertiser: Jeevan Telephone: 07511065912
Town: Aberdeen
County: Aberdeenshire
Web Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XwFkXmA9 ...
Advert stats: [Added or updated:06/03/14 Views: 2262]
