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  Huge tank breakdown

Description: Due to break up we have our aquarium up for sale. I'm looking for a quick sale so priced everything cheap so it sells.
Tank 52x40x30inch back and side coverd in alfa grog looks real nice and has corals growing on it. metal stand with 4x3x2 sump with 9000lph return pump £300
Marine lux 250w dimmable ballasts and reflectors needs new bulbs £70 each
20w dand d uv £20
Phosban reactor £20
Or 3500 £35
Rdc skimmer £130
8-10inch Clam £100
Regal big 7-8inch £30
Regal 4-5inch £25
Yellow tang 4-5 inch £25
Orange sholder tang 5-6 inch £25
Powder blue 4inch £30
Scopas 4inch £20
4 clownfish 2 pairs £25 each pair
Anthias x2 £25
Bangai cardinal mates pair £40
Cleaner wrass 15
Goby 15
Copperband 3-4inch £25
4x large cleaner shrimps 2carry eggs and release them frequently £15 each
Lobo 5inch £20
4heads of hammer coral £20
3 rics on rock £20
Fluffy mushroom rock x6mushrooms £20
Green pinstripe mushrooms rock 5x4inch £20
Nobbly mushroom rock £20
5x a can frags need tlc £5each
Huge green bright mushrooms on massiv rock loads of mushrooms £40
Live rock reef plates £5 per kg most has pink pulsing Xenia on it
Reef bones £7 per kg

Ring or txt for more info
Chris 07715960743

Contact Information
Advertiser: chris
Telephone: 07715960743
Town: atherton
County: Lancashire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:17/02/14 Views: 2605]

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