Home :: Marine Fish & Marine Inverts
£320 - Full Marine Set Up, Jewel Vison 260 3FT Bow front inc fish, rock, inverts

What it comes with and value:
£450 Jewel Vison 260, £100 T5 Lighting Unit with Marine Blue and White bulbs, £75 Fluval 206 still with 6month warranty and receipt, Spare £60 T8 lighting Unit with 2 bulbs, 2X spare T8 and 2X spare T5 bulbs £40. £25 Airpump and pipe and 2x spare air stones, £100 plus worth of Live Ocean rock, £200 plus worth of Fish and Inverts, £30 worth of corals.
Acessories include 2 cleaning pads, 2 nets, Master test kit, salt, Hydrometer, Plus brine Shrimp Breeding kit. Heater.
Over £1000 worth,MUST collect and Open to sensible offers thank you.
List of Fish and Inverts.
8 Chromis, Jade Wrasse, Cleaner wrasse, Blue Striped Bass, Pink Spotted Goby, Lawn Mower Blenny, 20 plus Hermits, snails and other critters, Cleaner Shrimp, Fire Shrimp and Anemone.
Contact Information Advertiser: Daryl Telephone: 07730770465
Town: tipton
County: West Midlands
Advert stats: [Added or updated:02/10/13 Views: 2039]
