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Home :: Marine Fish & Marine Inverts

  trigon 190 marine set up, with fish, corals and live rock complete set up

Description: im selling my reef tank due to not having time for it with working to many hours, its a juwel trigon 190, has 2 power heads, one 3000lph the other 1500lph, approx. 20 kg of live rock fully matured, 8 corals mostly soft, light unit has 4 t5 ho lights on separate power supply so can be used with timers, two blue bulbs and two white.2 true percula clown fish and 3 blue damsels, 2 snails and 3 hermit crabs. comes with 300 watt heater and spare 100 watt. digital thermometer, ammonia .nitrite ,ph, and nitrate test kit, refractometer, two 25 litre water containers for water changes. frozen, pellet and flake food. only thing it doesn't have is protein skimmer because mine broke last week. need it gone asap because I just don't have time it requires £200 ONO NEED IT GONE

Contact Information
Advertiser: Craig
Telephone: 07875754590
Town: Derby
County: Derbyshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:04/08/13 Views: 1999]

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