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Home :: Marine Fish & Marine Inverts

  Complete Marine Setup For Sale, In Parts or as a whole £1200 ONO

Description: Whole Marine set up for sale. This has been my pride and joy for over two years but I am moving house and with a new baby, dog and renovation I just don't have the time to give them the love they deserve. Willing to sell as a complete set or individually, either way grab a bargain. List below is not exhaustive....Will consider sensible offers......
Perc Pair £60
Goldrush Tang £40
Yellow Tang £40
Shrimp Goby Pair £50
Fire Fish £20
Bi-colour Blenny £20
4 * Chromis £30
Royal Grammar £30
Silver Belly Wrasse £30
Cleaner Shrimp £10
Fire Shrimp £10
Brittle Star £10
Sand Sifting Star £5
Hermit Crabs 3 for £10
Orange Leg Hermit £5
Turbo Snails 3 for £5
Dove Snails £1 each
Live Rock £5 Per Kilo – 50Kg’s or £200 the lot
Hammer Coral 9 heads - £40
Frogspawn Coral 2 Heads - £10
Green Star Polyp £5 to £50
Turquoise Mushroom 10 Heads - £30
Lavendar Coral £30
Trumpet 2 heads, turning into 5 currently - £15
Trumpet 2 heads £10
Pink Disk £20
Sun Coral £35
Arcadia 2 x 150w Metal Halide 2 x T5 lighting setup with 6 month old BLV14000 bulbs (£40 each bulb)
Fluval 290 bow front tank.
Prism Skimmer
External Filter
Lots of other kit.

If you are interested in part or all of it please give me a shout!

Contact Information
Advertiser: Ben Cordingley
Telephone: 07917003277
Town: Hoe
County: Sussex

Advert stats: [Added or updated:16/07/13 Views: 1935]

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