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  full marine setup £300 if gone this weekend

Description: Aqua Marine 900 tank and stand with marisys 240 series 2 sump system for sale.
Excellent quality live rock about 40 to 50 kilo, this fills the tank as you can see. 2 inch live sand bed.
6 different corals, pulsing xenia 2 different normal xenia 1 largish toadstool and 2 others cant remember names. 2 regal tangs 3.5 inch - 2.5 inch. 3 green chromis. 2 metalic blue damsils. A breeding pair of clowns, raise eggs to wigglers then eat them. 1 blood shrimp. 2 cleaner shrimp. Black bristle star fish. 2 large blue hermit crabs 4 red hermits and a few snails.
2 x heaters. 3 x wave makers. magnet cleaner. dnd r.o. unit (50gal)a day. a nearly full bucket of d/d
salt.large complete jbl marine test kit cost me £100. salt tester. Selling because we need the space due to grandchild on the way.
all in good condition and health, over £1500 worth of live stock and equipment, selling everything mentiond above for the bargain price of £300 if gone this weekend call will need containers.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Debbie Atkins
Telephone: 07910951830
Town: Corby
County: Northamptonshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:10/05/13 Views: 2096]

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