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Home :: Marine Fish & Marine Inverts

  marine fish tank full set up

Description: Right we have the tank what is 51/2 long 2.6 deep and 2.7 wide a four foot sump,the stand with need new doors on! skimmer,pumps,uv steriliser,all pipe work heater, tmc heater controller,filter socks, food, cheeto in sump with sad bulb and uv light for growth, light brackets and the light Is a Arcadia 3 series witch is 2 blue and 3 halo lights in the tank has £660 pounds of rock,various snails, crabs, have a large bristle star fish, 3power heads, feathered pulsing Xenia and normal Xenia, chilli coral, button coral, candy cane, rock anenome, green mushrooms,pink and orange mushrooms, purple tipped anemome, fungi coral,blue sponge,orange and green zoa, leather coral, finger leather coral, elephant ear, green star polyp grass, star polyps, some more various unknown corals, black spikey sea urchin large, pair of breeding maroon clowns, blue damsel, lemon damsel, humbug damsel, fox face, big eyed soldier, goby worm, paired boxer shrimp, refractometer, live sand 750 ono with tank and 600 with out tank 07731332721

Contact Information
Advertiser: lee
Telephone: 07731332721
Town: colchester
County: Essex

Advert stats: [Added or updated:05/03/13 Views: 1954]

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