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Home :: Marine Fish & Marine Inverts

  Marine Set-Up, Fish, Coral, Juwel Aquarium.

Description: LIVE STOCK:
4 Baby Clown Fish (Orange & White).
1 Regal Tang (3-4 Inches).
1 Keyhole Angel (2 Inches).
1 Cleaner Shrimp.
1 Emerald Crab.
4 Snails (Unknown).

Kenya Tree (8 Inches Tall).
Zoas (100+ Heads, Green & Yellow).
Pulsing Xenia (6 Heads & 1 Large Head).
Elephan-Ear Mushroom (Blue, Medium Size).
Multi-Coulor Mushrooms (20+ Blue, Green, Red. Growing on the live rock).
Toadstool (Frag).
Staghorn Coral (Frag).

4KG Of Marine Sand.
20KG Fully Cured Live Rock (Very Nice Purple & Pink Colour).
koralia nano 1600 powerhead.
Juwel 100W Internal Heater.
TMC V2 120 Nano Protein Skimmer.
T5 Lighting (1 Daylight & 1 Warmlight).
Moonlight Blue LED Lighting.
Comfort-Hydrometer Reader.
Magnetic Glass Cleaner (Large).
25 Ltr Water Container.
Aprox 12KG Of Marine Salt.

Juwel Aquarium Lido 120 Nano Cube (Compleat With Cabinet).
Built In Rio 600 Filteration System (With New Powerhead Pump).

Everything has been set up for around 8 months now and everything is healthy, growing very well and no signs of illness. All fish and live stock get along very well, no signs of aggresive behaviour or fighting.

The tank itself is in fantastic condition, no damage, only 8 months old. It actually came in a beech wood effect but i had it vinyl wraped in a cherry mahogany wood effect. (Can be put back to its origainal colour if the buyer requires).
Overall everything is in very good condition and cant find a fault with anything just yet. Extremly nice marine set-up, Pictures really do it no justice, it is a absolutely stunning peice of kit. Buyer will not be dissapointed.

Myself have spent a little bit over £900 for were it is now, and there is still room for more equpment/livestock and corals for sombody willing to take it on!

Due to financal problems, Lack of work has forced me to sale, Having 2 baby daughters and working as an agency worker i have not been given much work the past month to pay off bills/rent ect..

I would be looking for around £700, But due to my situation i will be willing to take £600 for a quick sale.
If no luck then i shall be selling everything seperatley for the right price. (No Shipping On LiveStock).

Located in BRISTOL, Warmley BS30.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Chris Davies
County: Bristol

Advert stats: [Added or updated:19/05/12 Views: 3345]

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