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  Fully Established Marine setup 275 litre aquarium

Description: Here for sale i have my 275 litre aqua one marine aquarium,

the tank has been running 6 months now and is fully established.

included in the sale is the following.....

aqua one 275 litre aquarium

aqua one aquis 1250 external filter

x2 heaters

twin t5 lighting unit

algae scraper

3D rock background

maxi-skim protein skimmer with aqua one advanced stellar 200 pump

lots of live coral rock/lava rock

coral ornaments

full water testing kit and a few treatments included.

aquarium comes with twin cabinet with shelves.

fish included in the sale are...

large yellow tang
large brown sailfin tang
x2 clown fish
yellow tailed damsel fish
cleaner shrimp
red starfish
neon goby
algae blenny

all in this set up has cost me over £1000 to get where it is now, i am selling as no longer have the time to maintain and give it the tlc it deserves! everything you need to house marine fish is included!!

£500 no offers, buyer will have to provide there own containers to drain water, however i will throw in x3 25 litre containers which i have used for water changes

Contact Information
Advertiser: anthony
Telephone: 07800584492
Town: newcastle
County: Tyne & Wear

Advert stats: [Added or updated:24/02/12 Views: 2142]

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