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Home :: Marine Fish & Marine Inverts

  Marine aquarium (300 Ltrs) complete set up.

Description: Jewel Rio (300Ltrs) tank and dark wood effect cabinet in very good condition.

All of the fish and invertebrates are in are in excellent condition through weekly maintenance and water changes.

Tank and cabinet.
Approx 50 kgs of living rock.
Sump tank 30 Ltrs
Top up tank including pump.
Metal halide lighting 250w
with 2 X T5 fluorescents and small moon LED’s
Fluval 405 external filter.
Red Sea Prizm protein skimmer.
Koralia 3 x 2 turbo pumps.
New Jet 2300 Ltrs/H pump (in sump).
Arcadia lamp (in sump).
Sulphur Nitrate reductor .
Spare Ocean runner 2500 Ltrs/H
External reservoir.
Water containers 25 Ltrs X 3
Jewel 300w Heater

Yellow Tang
Maroon Clownfish
Sail Fin
Common Clowns X 2
Pink Spotted Gobie
Blood Red Shrimps X 2
Green Chromis X 2
Coral Beauty Dwarf Angelfish
Large Lobster
Approx 7 Hermit Crabs
Button Polyps X 2
Mushroom coral

On collection you will need the following.

Large car or van to take tank and cabinet etc.
Additional water containers (25 ltr containers ) can be hired from aquatic stores to remove existing RO water.
2 people too lift tank.
Blankets etc to protect tank etc.

I have spent several hundreds of pounds on top of the inital purchase, so offers around £700

If you have any queries then please contact me on,


Contact Information
Advertiser: Gareth Hanlon
Telephone: 07773778635
Town: Rugby
County: Warwickshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:05/02/12 Views: 2532]

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