A Complete Marine Aquarium Set Up
High quality black glass cabinet and hood
The complete cabinet stands at a height of 1730mm
Width of cabinet 510mm x 1580mm wide
Hood depth 150mm x cabinet height 850mm x tank height 730mm
Cost new £2,000.00+
TMC Aquaray LED lights 1 x double blue (£92.00) new
TMC Aquaray LED lights 1 x single white ( £92.00 ) new
TMC Aquaray LED lights 2 x double white (£168.00) new each
Aqua Medic titan chiller unit 1500 (£900.00 ) new
Vecton 300 UV unit ( £60.00 ) new
Aqua Medic 6500 main filtration pump (£140.00 ) new
Skimmer unit V2 1200 (£160.00) new
3 x circulation pumps (£100.00 ) new
Live rock (£500.00 ) new
1 orange Shoulder Tang 7" long
1 Fox Face 5" long
1 RegalTang 4.5" long
1 Emperor Angel ( juvenile ) 5" long
1 Ruby Head Fairy Wrasse 3" long
1 Maroon Clown 2" long
2 Humbug three stripe damsels
2 Chromis
1 large Gobie 1" diameter x 10" long
1 extra large Anemone approx 18" diameter when fully open ( this is due to split as done previously, last time split into 3 equal pieces which I sold on )
1 long spine black Sea Urchin approx 5" diameter
1 extra large blue legged crab 2" diameter
2 large Cleaner Shrimp
Lots of Star Fish and Snails and much more
All Corals included
Lots of other kit including light timers, test kits, salt, refractometer, small circulation pumps, cleaning equipment, food and books
As you can see this complete set up would cost new complete with live stock approx £4,800.00 so once again please no time wasters
Buyer to be fully responsible for collection and removal of the complete system
Any further information required contact Neil on 07803125559
Open to offers above £1,500
Contact Information Advertiser: neil ambrose Telephone: 07803125559
Town: liverpool
County: Merseyside
Advert stats: [Added or updated:23/10/11 Views: 2361]
