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Home :: Marine Fish & Marine Inverts

  46 Full marine setup custom tank plus fish etc

Description: 4'6 custom built marine tank with everything u need, sump weir etc. Beautiful tank, with approx 60 kg of coralije covered live rock, corals included leather coral, lots of zoas n mushrooms, hammerheads pulsing Xenia etc. Fish included;
Large regal tang
Large fox face
Medium sail fin tang
2 x good sized clowns
Striped gamma
Cleaner wrasse
Large filefish
Small filefish
Lots of crabs/turbo snails etc
Sea hare

I've probably missed something !

Bubble master 250 protein skimmer
4 x koralias all were over £50 so are the higher flow ones, and 2 are only few weeks old
T8 light
Metal hanging halide
All return pumps etc
Ozone unit only few weeks old...
Plenty of cheato shrimp etc living in sump under daylight bulb.
Lots of Salifert test kits, all brand new.

It's a very sad sale, but I need the money

sell the lot for 950. I've spent a he'll of a lot more on it. Just recently I bought the fox face (45) and the 2 koralias (100) and theozone unit (139) just a few weeks ago. The skimmer is amazing too. Awesome bit of kit, rivals any thing out there deltec wise etc. Email me or call for a photo :-) thanks. Cornwall! Can arrange transport.

Contact Information
Advertiser: tiffini
Telephone: 07791798410
Town: st austell
County: Cornwall

Advert stats: [Added or updated:30/09/11 Views: 1774]

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