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Home :: Marine Fish & Marine Inverts


Description: Hi all im selling the below as im converting to a FOWLR setup.



What i have for sale is......

11 Green Chromis £3 each or the lot for £25 -SOLD-
Valentini Puffer £10
Chalk Goby £8
Cleaner Wrasse £10 -SOLD-
Female Skunk Clown £5 -SOLD-
Brown Sailfin Tang £15 -SOLD-
Carribbean Blue Yellow Tang £15 -SOLD-
Vampire Tang £15 -SOLD-

Cleaner Shrimp £5 -SOLD-
Pink Reef Lobster £8
Red Starfish with Light Pink spots £5 -SOLD-
Giant Mexican Turbo Snail £2

2x Toadstools £15 each
2x Green Star Polyp colonies £5 each
Chocolate Polyp colony £10
4x Beadlet Anemone £1 each
Condylactus Anemone £10 -SOLD-
Devils Finger £10
Large Polyp Green Zoanthid colony £15
3x Red Mushrooms £5 each
Small Polyp Green Zoanthid colony £10 -SOLD-
Fire and Ice Zoanthid small colony £5
Some type of Brown SPS coral £5

If you are interested in any of the above send me a text.

Many thanks for looking.

Contact Information
Advertiser: alex_and_amy
Telephone: 07854500541
Town: Irlam, Manchester
County: Greater Manchester

Advert stats: [Added or updated:13/09/11 Views: 1643]

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