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Home :: Marine Fish & Marine Inverts

  Aquatics Express Current Stock

Description: We are now expecting another great new shipment of stock, here is some of what we have already;

One of our favourites, a beautiful large Purple Tang, feeding well!
Coral Beauties at just £25 each
Large Undulated Trigger, just £20
Picasso Trigger £18
Clownfish, our selection includes maroon, allards, percs, common and black and whites from as little as £12 each!
Mandarins feeding on frozen food at £20 each
Sailfin Tangs from £22
Green Chromis at £4.50 each, with a buy 5 get 6th free deal!
A stunning large Koran Angel at £35!
Cardinals at £20 each or 2 for £36
Yellow watchman gobies at just £14
and many more!

We have some fantastic corals in too;

Very colourful Zoas from £8 for frags up to £34 for larger colonies
Leather corals starting at just £18 each
Many types of mushrooms available
SPS frags from £12.50
Very large montipora's in either green or red at just £40
Purple plating monti's,
Purple branching monti's,
Superman monti's,
Large LPS range starting at just £7.50! chose from sun corals, bubbles, torches, lobophylia, acans, blastos, plate corals, candy canes, gonipora, cataphylia, turbinara, duncans (up to 40 heads!!)

We also have ssome stunning Reidi Seahorses in stock, captive bred, feeding very well on frozen brine shrimp!

There is something here for all tastes and prices to suit all pockets, drop in and see our great range!

Stock changes very quickly with new dleiveries in every week so whilst the list above is what is here now we can't guarantee it will be in stock every day.

Our new shipment is due in midweek, nothing will be released for sale until it has been fully quarantined in our dedicated quarantine systems and we are happy it is healthy and feeding well, however we will reserve stock before general release.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Aquatics Express
Telephone: 01603 628489
Town: Norwich
County: Norfolk
Web Link:

Advert stats: [Added or updated:06/03/11 Views: 2147]

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