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Home :: Marine Fish & Marine Inverts

  CHEAP Live soft and hard corals CHEAP

Description: Shutting down my systems due to other commitments. I still have about 25-30 corals left. Below is a list of whats left and what I am after for each of them...

- Sun coral (roughly 30-40 heads each) £20.00 each
- Fl. Green candycane coral £5.00 per head (x 12)
- Green Candycane (6 heads) £20.00
- Green Galaxea coral (3.5 x 3.5") £20.00
- Metallic blue mushrooms £15.00 (10 mushrooms)
- Watermelon mushrooms x 2 (M/L) £15.00 each
- Striped mushrooms x 2 (S/M) £10.00 each
- Lrg zoanthid brown x 1 £15.00
- Elephant ear mushroom x 1 £10.00
- Various frags available at £5.00 each
- 25kg live rock at £6.50/Kg

If you would like a mixture of the existing stock, or would like to take the complete lot of them off my hands, I am willing to negotiate a settling price. Also have lots of equipment for sale including light systems, skimmers, pumps, filters, tanks etc, so if theres anything you are after feel free to contact me and I may have what your looking for!
Tel; 07912935652 (Jon)

Contact Information
Advertiser: Jon
Telephone: 07912935652
Town: Newton Abbot
County: Devon

Advert stats: [Added or updated:18/12/10 Views: 1984]

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