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Home :: Marine Fish & Marine Inverts

  Complete Marine Setup

Description: New baby in the family means that I don't have the time to keep a tank any longer... as such, I'd like to get rid of EVERYTHING in one job lot if at all possible.

Ideal for a new starter to marine, as included are all the little extras that cost a fortune when bought individally..

The main tank is a worn 48x24x30 open topped seabray with a left hand wier and a 4 foot sump containing bioballs and a tmc skimmer along with an eheim return pump. The sump has an established chaeto colony. The tank also comes with 3 other circulation pumps and is lit with a metal halide with a near new 14k bulb.

Stock includes: £500+ live rock, 2 medium/large toadstools and assorted other bits such as mushrooms, zoas, blue polyps etc.. fish included are 2x percula clownfish, 2x tomato clownfish, 4x yellow tailed damsels and 1x yellow tang. An extensive cleanup crew of 5-10 snails, 10-15 hermit crabs and a large sand sifting star are also within the tank.

Other items included are:
A 36x12x12 quarantine tank with a heater & internal filter
£50-100 worth of assorted test kits/chemicals (partly used)
a 4 stage RO unit (probably due for new pre filters)
an electronic TDS meter
Whatever other aquarium related items turn up
between now and when the tank is sold..

As you can see from the list above.. ALOT of kit is going here... it can all be yours for £450
(no offers)

Updated with Pix... apologies for quality, pix taken with phone as I can't find the USB for the camera!

Contact Information
Advertiser: David Vincec
Telephone: 07971333681
Town: Bristol
County: Bristol

Advert stats: [Added or updated:12/12/10 Views: 3063]

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