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Home :: Marine Fish & Marine Inverts

  Complete Marine Tank £500.00 onco

Description: The Juwel Rio 240 Aquarium and Cabinet Is a great choice for those wishing to get into fish keeping but is also a good reliable tank for those wishing to continue their fish keeping. The Juwel Rio 240 Aquarium and Cabinet come complete with everything you need to get started with.

Volume: approx. 240 Litres
Aquarium Measurements: 121 x 41 x 50 cm
Cabinet Measurements. 121 x 41 x 73cm

My marine tank is for reluctantly sale as I dont have the time to look after it like I used to, I have added a few more things to this tank to make life easier.

There is:

Bowini 2 x 150w metal halide light.

300W heater replaced about 4 months ago.

External Fuval 305 filter

A uv light.

There is about 30kg of live rock with loads of life on it.


There is a live clam in one of the rocks.

Live sand bed.

An Atlantic anenome.

A Blood Red Fire Shrimp.

A Pair of Black and White Clown Fish (worth £150 alone).

3 Regal DamselFish.

6 Line Wrasse.

An Algea Blennie.

A Green Mandiran.

3 Green Chromis.

Loads of turbo Snails.

Loads of Hermit crabs.

2 Urchins.

A Cucumber.

A Sand shifting Star fish.

A Branded Star fish.

A Banded Coral Shrimp.

There is some frozen food and dry food. I have a water purifier with this as well but it will need new filters.

Loads of extras like test units and addatives etc.

I have tried to remember everything there is and will have forgotten something I am sure.

This is For collection only, I have some polly boxes you can have to put some things in, there is also 2 water containers. Please bring some more buckets and containers for the water.

Please contact me if there is any questions, you are welcome to view if you like

This will Aneed to be collected Asap

Contact Information
Advertiser: Dilligaf
Telephone: 07956534679
Town: Poole
County: Dorset

Advert stats: [Added or updated:28/06/10 Views: 1878]

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