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Home :: Marine Fish & Marine Inverts

  5x2x2 Complete Marine Setup + loads of equipment £1700ono

Description: Corals

Plerogyra sinuosa - frogspawn 20x17cm
Catalaphyllia jardinei - 18x15cm
Duncanopsammia axifuga - 20 or more heads large
Duncanopsammia axifuga - 5 heads, small (just started growing)
Caulastrea furcata - candy canes 10 heads
Echinopora lamellosa - 12x8cm
Acanthastrea subenchinata 13x8cm
Acanthastrea subenchinata 8x8cm
Lobophyllia hemprichii 9x9cm
Goniopora - small 4x4cm
Heteractis magnifica 21cm
Lobophytum 12x12cm
Sarcophyton - 24x24
Sarcophyton - 11x11
Discosoma striata - 12of
Pachyclavularia violacea (too many to count)
pulsing xenia - half a small salt buckets worth
Palythoa - button polyps 45 in colony
Zoanthus multiple colours to many to count
Montipora foliosa - 28x23cm
Favia danae - 5x6cm
Euphyllia parancora - 5 heads
Scloymia 15x15cm when fully extended
gorgonian tiny
Ricordea yuma - 12of

Live Rock

Approx 70kg, maybe more

Paracanthurus hepatus - 11cm
Paracanthurus hepatus - 9cm
Zebrasoma flavescens - 9cm
Chromis viridis
Chromis viridis
Chromis viridis breeding
Chromis viridis
Chromis viridis
Chromis viridis
Labroides dimidiatus - 7cm
Amphiprion ocellaris - 4cm
Amphiprion ocellaris - 4cm
Calcinus seurati - crabs - 5of
Calcinus seurati - crabs
Paguristes cadenati - red herms - 10of
Linckia laevigata - starfish - 8x8cm
cleaner shrimp - 7cm

Eheim 1262 boxed
Eheim 1260
TMC V2 React 600 brand new boxed
Eheim 1048 boxed
Vertex Zeo Reactor
Deltec APF600 skimmer
TMC Vecton 600 boxed
ATC 800 boxed
Tunze top up , pump 4months old boxed
Tunze top up, boxed, requires transformer
Vortech MP40w
2 x Koralia 4
1 x Koralia 5
Arcadia series 3 2x250W + hanging brackets new BLV bulbs, 3 weeks old
5x2x2 tank and cabinet (resealed) + sump
2 x Seio 1100s
9x Salifert kits
Refractometer, aquamedic
Zeovit potions - coral snow, zeobak, zeostart, zeofood
tropic marin powders - bio-magnesium
aqua digital ozone, boxed
Tunze 6060 3 weeks old, boxed
10x 25ltr water drums
3/4 large bucket of red sea coral pro
Ro-MAN, 6 stage with 2 membranes + booster pump
9 salt buckets
2x small salt buckets
Loads and loads of accessories

Location: Near Heathrow Airport
Martin 07967 464613

Contact Information
Advertiser: martinr82
Telephone: 07967464613
Town: Heathrow
County: Middlesex

Advert stats: [Added or updated:08/03/10 Views: 2553]

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