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  Live food Copepods, Rotifers, Brineshrimp

Description: 500 ml Live Marine Copepods,

Rotifers & Brineshrimp £10 + £5 p&p

Ideal coral and fish food.

A superior way to feed your tank - far more nutritious than frozen/preserved foods!

These creatures are reared on our own blend of HUFA enriched Phytoplankton to give them a superior nutritional profile.

Eagerly consumed by fish and coral. Use to 'boost' the populations that inhabit your live rock and sump. All fish will graze on these creatures but essential if you plan to keep finicky eaters like mandarins, seahorses and pipefish or if you plan to rear young fish.

This is also ideal as a starter culture to rear your own copepods!

As a guide you will receive HUNDREDS of these microscopic creatures which will be made up from a mixture of adults (male and female), pregnant females and juveniles.

They are harvested immediately before posting and unlike others are sent in fresh salt water as the culture water is always extremely high in nitrates. They will be fed with some phytoplankton so they have something to eat on the journey. The water will be slightly green when they arrive.

It is recommended that you acclimatize them exactly as you would a fish or coral - drip your tank water in over as long a period as possible - these creatures are very sensitive to sudden changes in ph.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Neil Ainsworth
Town: Aughton
County: Lancashire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:03/03/10 Views: 2574]

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