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Description: Hi heres the new stock in now

Scientific Name Common Name

Zebrasoma scopas (MD) Brown Sailfin Tang
Escenius bicolor Red Tailed Blenny
Canthigaster magaritatus Peacock Puffer
Canthigaster valentini Saddled Toby
Chaetodon lunulaSM Racoon Butterfly
Forcipiger longirostris(MD) Longsnouted Butterfly
Cinhilahiris rubriventralis Long Fin Fairy Wrasse
Gomphosus caeruleus(MD) Green Bird Wrasse
Halichoeres hortulanus(MD) Checkerboard Wrasse(Halichoewrasse)
Hemiprteronotus taeniurus Masked Wrasse Jvenel
Labroides dimidiatus Blue Cleaner Wrasse
Halichoeres trispilus Four Spot yellow Wrasse
Cirrihilabrus rubrisquamisSM Rosy Seales Fiiry Wrasse
Pomocanthus annularis [AD-MD] Blue Ringed Angelfish (4''-5'')Inch
Pomocanthus semiciruclatusJL Koran Angelfish
Amphiprion clarki Yellowtail Anemone Fish
Amphiprion Nigripes [MD] Blackfin Anemone Fish
Pomacentrus melanochir Yellowtail Electric Blue Damsel
Gaterin orientalis(SM) Oriental Sweetlip
Dendrochirus brachypterus(M/L) Dwarf Lionfish
Anthias evansii Purple Coral Perch
Escenius midas Yellow Blenny
Nudribancs Sea Slug Coloured (Assorted)
Parasicyonis A Flourrescent Green Carpet Anemone
Ophiuroidea Sp Bengal Tiger Brittle Star Fish
Protorea Sp Red Horn Crimson Star Fish
Fromia monilis Volcano Star Fish Rose
Fromla monilis Volcano Star Fish Orange
Nemateleotris magnifica Fire Fish
Cucumaria Sp Rose Cucumber [Yellow Flower]
Alpheus bellulus Goby`s Shrimp
Acanthurus sohal 4" Sohal Tang
Zebrasoma xanthurus (2-3") Purple Tang
Histrio Histrio (JUMBO) Angler Fish (6''-7'')
Amphiprion percula 1.5-1.8" True Percula Clown Fish (CB)
Pseudochromis fridmani 1-2" Orchid Dotty Back (Captive Bred)
Acanthurus leucosternonMED Powder Blue Surgeon
Oxymonocanthus longirostris Longnosed File Fish
Pomocanthus imperatorJM Emperor Angelfish
Pomocanthus imperatorJL Emperor Angelfish
Pomocanthus imperatorAD-XL Emperor Angelfish
Amphiprion Clarki (LG) Yellowtail Anemone Fish
Amphiprion Sebac ( LG ) Yellow Clown
Pterois antennata LG Spot Fin Lionfish
Neso Lituratus JUMBO True Blonde Naso(10''-12'')
Lysmata Amboinensis Cleaner Shrimp
Lysmata Debelius True Red Fire Shrimp

Contact Information
Advertiser: Simply Seahorses
Telephone: 07713179053
Town: Northwich
County: Cheshire
Web Link:

Advert stats: [Added or updated:23/01/10 Views: 3596]

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