Hi I have the following for sale as I now have a baby on the way and the Wife is being mean:
All pics on my website:
Here's the list:
6ft Fully Stocked Unique Marine System Shutdown
Sadly, new child forces sale of my pride and joy. I would like to sell this as a single item if possible, but if I receive no offers then I am willing to break the system up and sell separately.
I am open to sensible offers on all the prices. Discounts on second item purchased of 10% (cheapest of the two).
Paypal, cash or balance transfer only please.
Total Package Contents: £2898.
Yellow Tang - £22
Maroon Clown Fish (Med) - £25
Redspotted Blenny (Lrg) - £23
Chalk Bass (Lrg) – £11
Magenta Dottyback - £11
Neon Damselfish 1 - £5
Neon Damselfish 2 - £5
Flame Angel (Lrg) - £65
Vivid Blue Devil Damselfish (Lrg) - £5
Caerulean Damselfish (yellowtail) - £5
Green Goby - £8
Lyretail Anthias (male) £12
Boxing Shrimp (Banded Coral) - £12
Cleaner Shrimp 1 - £10
Cleaner Shrimp 2 - £10
Fire Shrimp 1 - £16
Emerald Crab - £9
Blue Tuxedo Urchin (Lrg)- £12
Rare Orange Starfish (Lrg)- £26
Red Leg Hermit Crabs (*5) - £20
Blue Feather Duster - £9
Yellow Polyps (Mixed+Live Rock) - Various (£5-35)
Green Star Polyps on 1kg Liverock - £13
Blue Mushroom (Discosoma) (Med) - £12
Torch Coral (lrg 3 heads) - £38
Striped Mushroom Rock (10+) £28
Button Polyps (Lrg 20+ Heads 4cm accross) £30
Very Vivid Unusual Orange Zoanthids (v lrg 50+ heads) - £45
Devils Finger (Lrg) £25
Leather Toadstool (Lrg) £32
Red-Yellow Polyps (9 heads) £9
Ricordea (Rose & 2 Green Mouths) –Splitting £12
Tongan Mushroom (Rhodactis sp.) £5
Green Rhodactis Mushroom (8 Lrg heads) - £20
Warty Corallimorph 1 £7
Warty Corallimorph 2 £7
Warty Corallimorph 3 £7
Chaetomorpha Algae (Green Hair Algae) -50g- £4
Rare Fuji Ultimate Quality Single Plate Live Rock 5 kg - £60 (£95 new)
Rare Fuji Ultimate Quality Single Plate Live Rock 4 kg - £50 (£75 new)
Fuji Ultimate Quality Live Rock covered in life 50 kg (ish) - £8/kg
20lb White Aragonite Ultra Fine Sand 1- £18
20lb White Aragonite Ultra Fine Sand 2- £18
2kg Fuji Live Cultured Debris (Sump) - £15
20lb White Aragonite Fine Sand - £18
Tunze Osmolator Controller/Pump etc (5017) £60
Tunze 6045 Pump £40
Tunze 6101 Pump £140
Tunze Multicontroller (7095) £90
Tunze Magnet Holder £15
Ocean Runner 6500 (3 months old) £80
Ocean Runner 3500 £45
Wave Omega Scum Skimmer 1300 (max 1200l) (3 months old) £140
V2 Vecton 600 UV Steriliser (max 600l) £50
4ft Metal Halide Light (2 * 150 Watt halides + 2 * T5) £120
RO Unit – 6 Stages (RO Man 300 gallons per day) £90
Test Kits £various
Tank Package £450
6ft * 2ft * 2ft Tank & Black Overflow Wier
(2 exit holes & 1 rtn & 1 water change drain –see pics) +
Unique return system so your live rock never build up waste underneath – it sits on a series of Perspex runners that the return pump pushes water down (see pics)
4ft *1.5ft * 1.5ft sump +
All the Pipework (3 months old) +
6 Double Union Valves
Customer Built Top-up Tank with built in Water change tank – see pics
This customer built system allows you to automatically change up to 20 gallons of water at the flick of a switch (please ask for more detail).
Custom designed tank stand, fully waterproofed with 8 4” supports all cross latticed for extra strength
Custom Black Perspex magnet front and sides with clear porthole to view the DSB in the sump and allow easy access
Contact Information Advertiser: jamie stokes Telephone: 07792 310132
Town: corsham
County: Wiltshire
Web Link: http://jamiestokes.com
Advert stats: [Added or updated:10/09/09 Views: 3746]
