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  various marine fish for sale

Description: hi there i have for sale a few marine fish due to a change in stocking plan for my new system.
they are
1.Red sea sailfin tang(zebrasoma desjardinii)not a pacific sailfin which has a yellow tail not a spotted one like mine.he is approx 4" in dia and still in his juvenile colouration.he is approx 18 months old and is extremely healthy,full bodied and has stunning colouration.£50
2.Regal tang (paracanthurus hepatus)again approx 4" in dia and approx 2 years old.£35
3.Eibli angel (centropyge Eibli).approx 2.5" and 10 months in my system,a very overlooked fish which has beautiful markings and the only reason that i'm getting rid of him is because he constantly picks on trachyphillia brain corals so if you have'nt got any of these you'll be fine.£20
4.5 bar mystery wrasse (pseudochelinius oceallatus)a very recent discovery only in 1999 and demands a hefty price tag.he is a very pretty fish and the only reason i am getting rid of him is because he has now taken a disliking to my lineatus wrasse who i have waited nearly 4 years to obtain and am not about to give up.he is approx 2.5/3"long and have had him about 6 months.£90

I feed all my fish a multitude of things incl formula 1 and 2 flake foods,frozen mysis,squid,brine shrimp,cyclops,mussell,cockle,krill to name but a few.they all eat heartily and are extremely vibrant and full bodied.

if you want any further info or some hi-res pics of the actual fish please do not hesitate to contact me.

Contact Information
Advertiser: jason
Telephone: 01269 825336
Town: ammanford
County: Carmarthenshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:08/01/09 Views: 2509]

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