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  Complete Marine Aquarium, Juwel RIO180. 50kg+ live rock

Description: I have here for sale, my pride and Joy. I am selling due to the fact I;m having a baby and need the space.

The tank is fully mature, all rocks are covered in coraline algae .There is well over 40kg of rock here and the following corals:

Toadstool leather, Finger leather, various mushrooms, tree coral, button polyps, zooanthids.

Livestock Includes:

Nemo clown fish, Damsel fish, 2 dancing shrinp, 2 peppermint shrimp, marble star fish, sand sifting star fish, numerous hermit crabs and turbo snails, and an enormous brittle star.

Equipment includes

Arcadia Illuminaire - 2 white bulbs and 2 blue.

Fluval external canister Filter

3 Maxijet powerheads and filters,

I have 3 skimmers all included, one is a seaclone, I don't know what the others are but the one I use is the smallest but works fantastically.

2 heaters

loads of food, test kits, coral excel, liquid calcium, PH Buffer, electronicPH tester,

Kent Marine RO Filter and extra filters and membranes. (worth £130)

there is loads loads more but too much to mention. please be aware that this setup has cost me over £2000 over the last couple of years.

You can ring me (vicky) on 0121 532 7343 on an evening to arange a viewing or ask any questions.

The tank must be collected from Oldbury, Juntion 2 M5, near birmingham. I have several water tanks and buckets but you will need to bring some plastic boxes with lids to transport the livestock

I would prefer cash on collection but Paypal is accepted.

£500 o.n.o

Contact Information
Advertiser: Victoria/Tony
Telephone: 07745 857 453
Town: Birmingham
County: West Midlands

Advert stats: [Added or updated:30/07/08 Views: 3076]

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