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Home :: Malawi, Tanganyikan & Victorian Cichlids

  Shop display unit for sale

Description: This display consists of:
*Malawi Tank - 48x18x12
Various Malawis including - yellow labs, elongatus chewere(WC), socolofi, lombardoi, johanni, afra cobue, red top mphanga, hongi, tropheops, etc. syno petricola(x4) and syno nyassae(x4)
*Tanganyikan Tank - 48x15x12
Lamprologus brichardi, neolamprologus multifasciatus, syno petricola(x6)
(Brichardis consist of breeding pair with many juveniles of various sizes. Multis consist of 3 breeding pairs with many juveniles of various sizes.)
*Hardware - Eheim classic 2213 external filter, Serafil 900 external filter, lights, heaters etc.
*All in one cabinet custom built - extremely sturdy. Cracking piece of furniture - will make a brilliant feature in any home.
Total length - 6'5" x 14" width

Very reluctant sale as I'm planning on installing a reptile and amphibian section to the shop and this is the only area where I can put it.

Pictures don't do this justice, come into the shop (Kilmarnock Aquatics, 22 High Glencairn St) and have a look at it.

A bargain at £600 the lot! I will not sell any of this individually.

You can send a message or call me on 01563 550252 if you require more information.


Contact Information
Advertiser: john
County: ayrshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:10/04/08 Views: 3539]

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