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Home :: Malawi, Tanganyikan & Victorian Cichlids

  Breeding Malawis and 220 fry

Breeding Malawis and 220 fry

Description: Full set up of breeding Malawi fish x 35 and 4ft tank 2years old and 2ft fry tank with 220 fry. (2 x external all pond fiters 1 is UV just 8mths old 1000 ltrs min).( 2x LED Lights), (Bubble bar and double pump), ( 5 heaters) (stones rock), (5 sponge filters for baby fry tank), (air stones x 4). (5 Pumps two are double). (Vacuum pump and one Vacuum filter). (Spare media and filters), (2 big bags of shells, & ornaments) bag of sand and all different foods i feed. 2 fish nets, 4 holding net boxs.

220 fry  set up and light.

One holding female at present possibly anothe 30 more fry off her.

Blue dolphins all breeding x 5 adults and 3 younger ones to be future breeders. 1 female is holding eggs now pos another 40 fry.

Jacobfreibergi 2 females breeding 1 holding fry now. They both have 30 plus fry each every 6 weeks.

Marble and orange blotch breeding she has 15 to 30 fry every 6 weeks.

Neon blue peacock

3 frontosa

Catfish pictus

Empress male and just got two females to grow up for him.

Red zebra breeding she has 40 to 50 fry every 5 to 6 weeks.

Yellow labs

Peacocks and haps.

Thats just some of the fish.

You will make your money back in the fry they have.

Sad sale as we are moving house force's sale these have took  3 years to get established. Rock and tank will be clean.

No offers at all if they don't sell i will have to make space in my new house.£800

And will not sell separately.

Will not split.

Will not take offers.

Please dont ask thanks.

L31 Maghull.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Baz
Telephone: 07800644891
Town: Liverpool
County: Merseyside

Advert stats: [Added or updated:18/09/21 Views: 1164]

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