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Home :: Malawi, Tanganyikan & Victorian Cichlids

  Large amout of ocean rock (York) - Ebay Ad ending in 2 hours

Description: Ocean Rock for Aquarium / Fish Tank / Malawi Cichlids

Large collection of ocean rock for sale. Approximately 40kg, including some very large pieces. This rock was used in my 5ft Malawi Cichlid tank when I used to keep mbuna. It is ideal for creating caves for large or small fish. There is easily enough for 2 large piles of rock at either end of the tank or could be arranged as a 'wall' across the back of the tank. All the bigger pieces are around 1ft (30cm) long. See photos for a few ideas of how these could be arranged. The tape measure in the pics is set to 5ft to give an idea of scale. The smaller pieces would also be great in a fry tank as this type of rock provides lots of small hiding spaces for young fish. All the rock has been powerwashed and is nice and clean.

I am also including in the sale 2 heavy duty koi filter grids (approx 68cm x 40cm x 13mm) for placing the rock onto when in your tank. These cover most of the base of a tank with a floor area of 18" x 60" (i.e. 5ft long, 18" deep front to back). The grid can then be covered in sand/gravel/crushed corel etc so it is hidden. Grid very clean and like new. It could be cut to size with a hacksaw if necessary.

Would cost a fortune to buy this from your local fish shop - grab a bargain. See eBay ad below: 99p start and no reserve. Collection from York.

Thanks for looking.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Andy
Town: York
County: North Yorkshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:09/02/14 Views: 1834]

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