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Home :: Malawi, Tanganyikan & Victorian Cichlids

  tanganyikan whole tank set up

Description: BARGAIN!!!BARGAIN!!! £1500 WORTH OF FISH WITH TANK full set up !The tank is a betta 1300 560 litre tank i am selling every extra with it.There must be about 60 to 65 tanganyikans ranging from 3 inch to 6 inch.Ten of the Tropheus ikolas are wild caught and are full adults bought from bob henson in sunderland where i paid £25 a fish .7 Altolamprologus compressiceps goldheads 2 Altolamprologus black calvus, There are about 10 blue eyed tiger tropheus about 12 duboisis.2 frontosa one about 9 inch other 6 inch defo 2 males.8 tropheus moliro ,canary cheek tropheus. 3 multipunctatus adults.about 6 tropheus bembas,tetratec 1200 filter 2 electronic 300 watt heater all air stones interior filter (fluval 4).lighting consists of 2 metal halide lights one with 3 white bulbs other metal halide consists of three blue lights .truly an amazing set up .selling limestone rocks mixed in with ocean rock and tuffa rock. spent at least £2000 wanting £500 or best offer would prefer to sell everything in one go cant be assed splitting fish.The tank is set up with excellent airation as there is a 4and a half ft spray bar agitating the surface of the water. tank has four seperate tanks underneath great for breeding tanks.Buyer would have to bring a of couple of strong friends as tank is extremely heavy. i have a few polyboxes for the fish.also 3 25 litre water drums thrown in as well.Prefer to sell to someone who knows how to look after tropheus fish as diet and water changes are important:-)

Contact Information
Advertiser: ian huddart
Telephone: 07803040131
Town: hebburn
County: Tyne & Wear

Advert stats: [Added or updated:15/11/11 Views: 5456]

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