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Home :: Malawi, Tanganyikan & Victorian Cichlids

  Red Shouldered Peacock (rare) & Tiger Oscar fish 2inch

Description: My oscar fish, hes a tiger oscar and a baby at 2-3inch...he has already started doing tricks for food. Amazing fish he really is, only reason im selling is bcos i have some masked julies in the tank and they dnt rly get on so i have put a seperator in the tank to stop them fighting. The oscar is fone with other fish unlike alot of oscars, the tend to eat anything they can fit into there mouths but this one only eats frozen food lol. I also have a few babies in the tank from the julies and convict cichlids and a tiny malawi, he has never evan looked at them in that way. So you are getting a real treat here, Im also selling a rare Red shouldered peacock for £35 which u can see in the 2nd pic.
Oscar £25
Peacock £35
Both together £45
TXT only at 07969081280

Contact Information
Advertiser: craig
Telephone: 07969081280
Town: Woking
County: Surrey

Advert stats: [Added or updated:20/08/10 Views: 2549]

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