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Home :: Malawi, Tanganyikan & Victorian Cichlids

  Complete Malawi Set UP Juwel Trigon 350 Loads of Gorgeous Malawi 2 Pumps etc etc etc

Description: Unfortunaltey im have to sell my much loved Malawi set up. Due to a separation and moving into a small flat I have no room for it. Ideally this needs to be sold before Chritmas.

Set up:
Juwel 350 Trigon with stand in black
Fluval 405 Filter (3 months old)
Fluval 205 Filter (7 months old)
Loads of high Quality Gravel
Large piece of Bogwood
Large plant pot
Severla small plant pots
Loads of various sized rocks and stones.
Few pieces of slate
Magnetic cleaner
Gravel Cleaner
and everything else you need.

There are currently over 25 Malawi cichlids in the tank, all of these fish have been chosen and purchased from myself from reputable aquariums and have grown to their current sizes in this tank.
I cant list all the names but have a look at the pictures to get an idea of the quality of the fish on offer, they include my favourite a Dragon Blood which took me 6 motnhs to find and cost me £50!! alone.
There are also 4 Silver Catfish, 3 Psonydontis (1 is quite large) 1 Loach 2 Dora's and 4 Brstlenose Placs.

The tank is in good constion with only 1 smallish hole in the stand, has recently had new 3d backing put on it and the glass is in good condition no chips or leaks!!!!
The filters are as new and do a great job in this sizer tank.
If you have any questions please feel free to give me a call and have a chat.
I am also willing to help the buyer trasport this setup free of charge.
If this setup doesnt sell complete im going to have to split it all which is something i really dont want to do.
Sorry the price im advertsing the whiole lot for £500 ono which is a lot tless than it has cost me, the filters alone were 250!!!!!

Contact Information
Advertiser: simon
Telephone: 07827960951
Town: harlow
County: Essex

Advert stats: [Added or updated:14/12/09 Views: 2158]

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