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Home :: Malawi, Tanganyikan & Victorian Cichlids

  Grown on Pseudotropheous kingsizei plus others in Derby

Description: I’ve got approximately 15 grown on fry that need new homes; each is now around 1.5 cm in length and feeding well on a ground up spirulina based dry food. There are a mixture of species, the Pseudotropheous kingsizei are pure breeds (the actual male is pictured), but a majority are believed to be hybridisation between a Pseudotropheous demoasoni female and an unknown Pseudotropheous sp or Metriaclima sp. male, also pictured. I know hybridisation is frowned upon but didn't have the heart to let them be eaten. If nothing elese they'll make nice fillers.

£10 for the lot (just to cover food, etc really), fast sale needed as they are now struggling in their nursery tank. Any questions, please just e-mail.

Contact Information
Advertiser: brenden
Telephone: 01332 756110
Town: derby
County: Derbyshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:04/10/09 Views: 2198]

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