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Home :: Malawi, Tanganyikan & Victorian Cichlids

  Lake Malawi Cichlids

Description: I have 4 (3 Large and one small) cichlids to offer, [I think, the one hides behind a huge chunk of tufa rock]. They are all "zebra's" and need to have someone who is an experienced keeper of cichlids to take them. I will give away all my tufa rock and a small corner filter with crushed gravel as a media type, will throw in my floss as well. These will keep the Ph high as the water needs to be hard for this type of fish

I just don't have the time to keep all three tanks running and as clean as should be. I would prefer these fish to be taken locally and can send photo's to interested parties, excuse the algae in the tank but they graze on it.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Kevin Rae
Telephone: 01888544065
Town: Turriff
County: Aberdeenshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:25/09/08 Views: 2083]

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