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You are viewing results from county of Midlothian
1 2 3     (Total: 248 adverts.)
1Pure Strain Guppies :I am a hobby breeder with over 25 different pure strains of guppy. Too many strains to list. Please find us on Facebook @Sarah's Pure Stra ...21/01/25
2Endler males and females for free :Our endlers are thriving in our plated aquarium, which means that their population is growing and we would like to give some away for free. ...19/01/25
3FREE Bristlenose pleco catfish babies :Hi all, My Bristlenose plecos have had babies and I have no room in my tank for them, so am giving them away for free to whoever would li ...11/11/24
4Seahorses :Hey all anyone able to help me out I’m currently looking for a partner for one lonely seahorse I think she is female this is what I have ...08/11/23
5Young Ranchu :Ranchu Fancy Goldfish Spawned May 2023 all around the 2" mark metallic red and red and white scottsorandas.com Col ...07/09/23
6Oranda fancy goldfish :UK bred orandas available good strong fish all spawned and reared in greenhouse nacreous and metallics available, collection only from musse ...02/11/22
7yellow tang :for sale 5"yellow tang £180 fish very healthy eating well disease free parasite free call matt on 077296626639 anytine inspecti ...22/02/22
82 fish giveaway :Ryukin and black Moor too give away 2 years old.26/09/20
9Malawi cichlids various sizes 1inch to 6 inch :Various Malawi cichlids various sizes 1inch to 6 inch prices vary depending on the ones you want approx 30 fish 3 catfish approx 6 inches ...18/07/20
104ftx4ft octagonal fishtank with stand shop quality :4ftx4ft octagonal fishtank with stand shop quality tank Fluval fx4 filter Ehiem 300w heater Wave makers 2x 4ft led lights Contents ...18/07/20
11For sale :40l fish tank with all accessories, love fish filter and Fluval U1 filter, heater, 1 Molly, hatchery, magnets, 16l bucket, fish food, fish n ...05/05/20
12Flowerhorn female :I have a female Flowerhorn 7 inches nice round stunning fish . Open to offers or swap for South American cichlids . Texas green, electric bl ...14/09/19
13Green terror female :I am looking for a female green terror 4 inch minimum please let me know if you have one . Contact if in Edinburgh or outskirts area . T ...23/08/19
14Fluval Roma 200 Litre Complete Set up - £130 Tank,cabinet,heaters,filter,air pu ... :Complete Aquarium Setup! Includes;- Fluval Roma 200Litre tank and cabinet - both in excellent conditon Fluval 306 Cannister filter ...17/03/19
15Fluval Roma 200 Aquarium and Cabinet with Accessories (New) SOLD :New style in black with Led Lighting, Fluval 4 Internal Filter, Fluval 200 Watt Heater and Oak/Silver Decor Strips. Tank size is 100 x 40 x ...28/01/19
16Bala shark X2 around 6" free :Hi I have 2 bala sharks who have outgrown their tank looking to rehome them to some one preferably with a larger group or even a larger than ...02/12/18
17Tropical Fish for sale :I am about to be the owner of a Flowerhorn and need to change my set up and upgrade the tank so the following are available; 6 x Bosemani ...05/11/18
18Goldflake and Conspic angelfish wanted :Hi. I am looking to purchase healthy goldflake angel and Conspic angels. Please email pics, sizes and prices. I am based in Edinburgh, ...03/11/18
19Looking for young flowerhorn cichlids :Could travel for the right priced fish18/10/18
20Heavy Duty Racking (Big Dug) ... For Sale :I have an industrial strength heavy duty shelving unit made by Big Dug (400kg load). I have added heavy weight melamine shelving which I had ...01/09/18
21Looking for pre-cycled filter media in Edinburgh & surrounding area :Hi, Looking for pre-cycled/ used filter media in the Edinburgh and surrounding areas for my new 52g tank. I have a Fluval 306 cannister. PLe ...05/06/18
22Rehome My Fish :Hi, I am looking to rehome 2 lovely fantail goldfish to a place where they’ll be looked after. Photo attached. Thanks13/05/18
23Tropical fish :3x Otocinclus Catfish 3x Dwarf gourami £ 2018/07/17
24Tropical plants :Plants from my 60 cm aquarium. Bacopa amplexicaulis (Giant bacopa) Ludwigia sp. 'Super Red' Amazon Sword Hygrophila pinnatifida Moss ...18/07/17
25Eheim 2213 external filter :For sale Eheim filter. Packed with filter media, tubing and glass infolow pipe. NO BOX. £5518/07/17
26Aquael External Filter Mini Kani 80 :Used, still have box. £3505/07/17
27Eco-Tech Radion XR15w Freshwater :LED light unit and mounting arm. Still have boxes. Mint £17005/07/17
28TMC CO2 regulator :For sale co2 system. TMC regulator, tubing, co2 bazooka diffuser plus 2kg CO2 fire extinguisher Full setup £6505/07/17
29Malawi Chilid tropical fishes fish tank aquarium Leicester :Malawi Chilid tropical fishes fish tank aquarium Leicester07/06/17
30Marine Fish Swap :Am having fowlr tank but am thinking to add corals, the problem is I have picasso trigger and koran angel in that tank, And as you know pica ...16/03/17
31Breeding pairs :Two pairs of green Severum spawning regularly , stunning fish with an overlay of red , great parents ,been together four years , Around 6-7 ...05/03/17
32Buy adult tropheus 8 cm+ Edinburgh :Hello i would like to buy adult tropheus. Txt me what type you have and where are u. Mobile 0741172388505/10/16
33Reefspace 900 black with sump 240L £320 :Reefspace 900 black with sump 240L Light not included. Good condition great system when set up.15/06/16
34marine equipment :Hi got lots of marine stuff from giesman infinity 250 halides ORP pH controller knop calcium reactor co2 bottles two little fishes trace ele ...22/05/16
358x2x2 aquarium and equipment :8x2x2 fish tank with heaters and external filter /internal filter air pumps wavmaker coral sand plus lots of extras the glass is 10ml t ...31/03/16
36WILD pseudotropheus ndumbi gold likoma group 1m 5f :Wild pseudotropheus ndumbi gold likoma group for sale males are purple with black barring and the females a golden yellow similar to pseudot ...14/03/16
37WANTED, Quality ButterflyTelescope Fancy Goldfish :Does anyone know of any breeders or importers of quality Butterfly Telescopes in Scotland or England? I am having a heck of a time trying to ...01/03/16
38bio balls/wheels :Been used. Selling these as I have too much. There are 600+ in different shapes and sizes. Collection only. £5 Thanks25/02/16
39Pangasius catfish :I have a pangasius catfish in need of a new home. It is peaceful at the moment and not too big yet. I'm near Edinburgh pick up only or deliv ...16/12/15
4016 WILD tropheus red rainbow kasanga 300 for the group :Wild tropheus red rainbow kasagna group for sale. 16 fish in the group. Fish are breeding regular with one female holding for the last two ...22/11/15
414 rock kribensis :4 rock kribensis for sale, 2 male and 2 female, around 1.5 - 2.5 inches27/10/15
424 yellow labs :4 yellows labs for sale, 2 around 3/3.5 inches and 2 around 2/2.5 inches27/10/15
43Aquaray Mini LED 400 £40 :Hardly used, still boxed and in great condition, selling because i no longer have the aquarium, collection only. £4007/06/15
44ProFlora 201 £50 :CO2 kit, selling because i no longer have the tank, hardly used and still boxed. Comes with everything except a CO2 bottle, collection only. ...07/06/15
45porcupine puffer free to good home. :Porcupine puffer free to good home perfect health eating well.only reason I have to.part with him is I'm downgrading my tank and wouldn't be ...29/05/15
46Round cornered fish transport bags. Large medium small :One set contains 5 bags. Bag size : 11.8 x 27.5" (30 x 70 cm) - LARGE £2.50+shipping £1.30 One set contains 10 bags. Bag ...31/03/15
47Amazon natural root, wood , aquascaping :Hello, I have roots for sale. The roots have been sourced from natural environment (peat bogs), and are 100% safe and natural. To be compl ...31/03/15
48Natural amazon root, aquarium root, driftwood, bogwood :Hello, I have roots for sale. The roots have been sourced from natural environment (peat bogs), and are 100% safe and natural. To be compl ...31/03/15
49FREE bristlenosed pleco (ancistrus) :Free to a good home - medium sized (12cm) bristle nose. We have had this fish for about 8 years but sadly we have to sell tank (without fish ...07/12/14
50FREE 2 Angel Fish :2 healthy, medium (6cm body) angel fish, free to a good home as we need to get rid of tank07/12/14
51Kent Marine Bio Reef 94l Aquarium and cabinet stand. :Kent Marine Bio Reef 94l Marine aquarium with LED and T5 lighting plus black cabinet. Excellent Nano reef tank. Includes 1000 lph Pump, ...01/11/14
52Angel Fish :2 Angel fish free to new home outgrown tank and need new home03/10/14
53Powerful Blowers for fish house or a Aquatic Shop 120W only :These Blowers are really efficient and very reliable. I have used them for 17 months and they have been excellent. These blowers can run upt ...24/08/14
54LED lights,Arcadia Eco LED 36w Striplight :2 Arcadia Eco LED strip lights,36w,42inches long, excellent light for plants and bringing out the colours of fish, only been used for a week ...16/08/14
5526 malawi cichlids and petricola cat fish :26 different types of malawi cichlids for sale plus 2 petricola cat fish, all in great condition.£100 for the lot.04/08/14
56Orange Sakura Shrimp (Neocaridina Davidi) :Orange Sakura Shrimp All our Shrimp are bred in our facility in the UK we do not import shrimp from abroad.   Name:  Neocaridina Da ...25/07/14
57Red Rili Shrimp (Neocaridina Davidi) :Red Rili Shrimp All our Shrimp are bred in our facility in the UK we do not import shrimp from abroad.  Name:  Neocaridina Davidi Re ...25/07/14
58Blue/ Black Rili Shrimp (Neocaridina Davidi) :Blue/ Black Rili Shrimp (Neocaridina Davidi) All our Shrimp are bred in our facility in the UK we do not import shrimp from abroad. N ...25/07/14
59Fish Accessories ...... For sale :Poly Boxes - 3 large poly boxes with cardboard outer used for transporting live fish. Others sizes available. £10.00 Fishkeeping ...17/07/14
60Complete Breeding Set Up (3ft) ... For Sale :This is a complete breeding set up ...... everything you need to keep/breed plecs or any other tropical fish ! It includes the following : ...17/07/14
61Egyptian Mouthbrooders (P. Multicolor) 1-2" :I have a couple of broods of these great little characters for sale - Males and females 1 to 3 months old. £3.50 each, £8.00 for a trio.16/07/14
62Red Sakura Shrimp :Red Sakura Shrimp All our Shrimp are bred in our facility in the UK we do not import shrimp from abroad. Name: Neocaridina Davidi Red ...13/07/14
63Heavy Duty Racking (Big Dug) ... For Sale :I have a heavy duty shelving unit made by Big Dug. I have added heavy weight melamine shelving which I had specially made to replace the chi ...06/07/14
64Complete Breeding Set Up (3ft) ...... SOLD :This is a complete breeding set up ...... everything you need to keep/breed plecs or any other tropical fish ! It includes the following : ...03/07/14
65W/C Adult Breeding Pair L183 White Seams ... SOLD ... :Sad sale, but they have to go. My own breeding pair of L183's. Male is a stunner, and they lay regularly. Well bonded pair whose young I hav ...02/07/14
66Wanted . Clown Loaches :Hi, I'm looking for a shoal of clown loaches, min 3-5 inches. Willing to travel 40 miles radius of Edinburgh. Also if seller can send by ...15/04/14
675 x young punchards discus ..... :A mix of super reds and red x turks just starting to colour up £12007/04/14
68Breeding KK Angels (SOLD) + Trio Starlight Plecs L183 . :I have a pair of angels, the male is a platinum blue panda and has the pearlscale gene, the female is a singapore blue with a double blue ge ...21/03/14
69Breeder tanks for sale. £80 & £60 ono :Hi, I am downsizing my breeding tanks and have a couple of small tanks that I don't have time for now. One is approx 40-50 litres, split ...12/03/14
70Huge 6ft tank and accessories £800 ono :Hi, I have decided to downsize to a small tank since I no longer have the time with a huge 600 litre version. With my newborn now taking ...12/03/14
71Few marine bits for sale take the lot for £150 :I have a shorty 2 skimmer with 2 ocean runner 3500 pumps £80 suitable for tanks upto 1500litres one awesome piece of kit. 2 polario 7ml ...05/03/14
72L183 White Seam Female ..... SOLD :Lovely young female looking for a partner. £45.0003/03/14
73KK Platinum Blue Panda Angelfish ..... WANTED . :Still looking for a couple of Ken Kennedy strain blue panda angelfish. If you have any spare/single fish you're willing to sell, please do ...01/03/14
74L183 White Seam Plecs Trio ....... For sale :I have a trio of L183's. The main pair are mature w/c adults and I have added a younger female from an unrelated w/c pair. Sold loads of the ...26/02/14
75Albino red cover :for sale a beautiful Albino red cover discus purchased from chens discus £12022/02/14
76Galaxy turq discus :i have for sale a galaxy turq discus believe it has a piowarski parent bought as a show fish & was on show at the ukdc £12022/02/14
77Red Scribble Snakeskin :i have for sale a male Red Scribble Snakeskin was on show at the ukdc last september bought from chens discus £10022/02/14
78Juwel Rio 125 - SOLD :Juwel Rio 125 Aquarium with cabinet (light Wood)- Photo if requested Complete with filter, lights and Heater. All in excellent working or ...21/02/14
79Beautiful Red/White discus :i have for sale my beautiful Red/White discus fish purchased from david lai with intention of showing. £15010/02/14
801 proven breeding pair of super red melons :Proven breeding pair of super red melons for sale,both male and female are just over 1 year old and 5.5 inches,also have another pair which ...06/02/14
81Australian Lungfish for sale :Australian Lungfish, this is the fish for you and at a great size and price. I will sell it for 400. It is exactly 15 inches and eats anythi ...24/01/14
8224K golden arowana for sale :Adorable and lovely 24k golden arowanas for sale. 5 inches and 7 inches in size. Send me an email to gladysfri@gmail.com for info and pics.22/01/14
83Various Molly, Guppy and Swordtails for sale :Thank you for looking at my auction. I have been breeding fish as a project and now has come the time to part with many. The fish vary fr ...08/12/13
845 stendker discus for sale :I have 5x stendker discus for sale. They are all around 4 inch in size. I have 3x blue turqs and 2x red turqs. They are fed on bh and tetra ...26/11/13
855x stendker discus :I have 5x stendker discus for sale. There is 2x red turqs and 3x blue turqs. They are all roughly 3.5-4" in size. I would like them all ...24/11/13
865x stendker discus for sale £120 :I have 5x stendker discus for sale. All roughly 4" in size. I have 3x blue turqs and 2x red turqs i wouldnlike them all to go together. ...23/11/13
8710x stendker discus :As above i have 10 stendker discus for sale. They range in size between 3-4.5 inches. I have 6x blue turqs, 3x red turqs and 1x pigeon blood ...22/11/13
88True L183 Starlight Bristlenose fry.. SOLD OUT ... :I have a few young left off this batch, approx 1'' in size, ready for sale in a couple of weeks. These little ones are bred from my wild gro ...09/11/13
89endlers livebearers :endlers livebearers male female young all £1 each or exchange for shrimp.30/08/13
90XL Malawi cichlids :A few pics of the fish for sale Rostaratus x 5 male 11" x3 F 5-7" & 1 @3" £100 Bourlyi x 4 male 4-5" F 4"£6 ...29/08/13
91parrot fish :4 parrot fish (yellow) £30 for the four of them out grown the tank and need a new home willing to deliver or meet local to Edinburgh27/08/13
92Buy frontosas Edinburgh :Hello I'm looking for frontosas can be a group or a breeding pair minimum size of 4 inches bigger than better. Contact me by text or mail pl ...12/06/13
93Frontosas :Hi selling my Frontosas as going back to Malawi cichlids , two are huge 8 inches and two are 5 inches , offers02/06/13
94Malawi cichlids :Shutting down my set up and have some great fish up for grabs Breeding group of 5 Fossorochromis rostratus Male is 12"! Stunning - 4 la ...26/05/13
95Aqua one 620 bow front :Huge 6 ft bow front tank (biggest bow u can get) Aqua one 620 ltr - my pride & joy.. No time for it just now..:(( There are 2 lighting ...26/05/13
96Malawi cichlids clear out :Yellow labs 1" - 4" £1 to £5 each 1 neon spot mbuna 1.5" £4 1 male usisya peacock 3.5" £8 4 female peacocks aro ...17/05/13
9712" jaguar chichlid free :hi, i have a large 12 inch jaguar chichlid free to good home, must be housed in good sized aquarium,i can deliver if not to far, i,m just ou ...13/05/13
985 foot sumped aquarium with overhead lights :thinning out house tanks, so - 5 foot aquarium - pro build by dc aquatics, ideal for marine or tropical. 5 foot long by 2 foot tall by 20&qu ...12/05/13
99Corner tank & Cabinet 260lt :Aqua one corner tank and beech cabinet. in excellent condition. Sale includes : -Tank -Cabinet -Fitted 3D background -Hood -Light ...29/01/13
100inverts, corals for sale :12 kilo of live rock £5 PER KILO. 2 green emerald crabs will likely come with it and two cleaner shrimps 5, each. Finger coral 20 pounds. 2 ...25/01/13
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