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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10     (Total: 935 adverts.)
1Young Longfin and Shortfin Green Dragon Catfish :Young Longfin and Shortfin Green Dragon Catfish, already at a reasonable size and ready for new homes. Peaceful and healthy, these fish are ...14/01/25
2Pair of Longfin Green Dragon Catfish :For sale: A lovely, sexed pair of Longfin Green Dragon Catfish. Peaceful and healthy, they have been well cared for and are fed on a varied ...14/01/25
5Wanted corydoras :I'm wanting green or orange lazers corydoras young so can get few pairs out of them no silly over the odds prices want ten if price is rig ...30/11/24
6Guppies female orange and white :I have 20 female guppy fry for sale.Around 4 weeks old.£2 each also selling 3 males. 2 fully grown yellow and black spots,blue and orange ...01/11/24
7Pearl Arowana :16/17 inch for sale or swap? Trade plus cash? Will travel? £200 Collection Stockton on tees 077888 3491612/10/24
8Pearl Arowana :16/17 inch for sale or swap? Trade plus cash? Will travel? £200 Collection Stockton on tees 077888 3491612/10/24
910x2x2 custom aquarium :£850 , open to sensible offers. Viewings reccomended 10x2x2 custom built aquarium Tank,hood,stand steel framed , glass centre wie ...17/09/24
10Coral sand :22kg of coral sand, ideal for an African Cichlid set up. £2015/09/24
11Coral rock :I have eight pieces of coral rock for sale in various sizes. £20.15/09/24
12530L water storage tank :£50 RRP - £272 530 Litre water storage tank, does have holes drilled hence the low price. Been used for clean aquarium water, bee ...10/09/24
13for sale red shrimp :I have red shrimp for sale they are mixed in size £1 each .you will not be disappointed with them.can shot few more in if spend 10 pound ...23/08/24
14spixi snails :still have about 12 to go great for shrimp tanks to keep nasties away now £1.50 each collect from redcar tel 0774292321007/07/24
15GKS UK Open High Breed Guppy Show :GKS UK Open High Breed Guppy Show. Holiday Express Inn. Saturday 13th April 2024. Visitors are welcome on the day, please note the entranc ...28/03/24
16Koi for sale 5 inch :I’m closing down my pond so have 5no for sale all around 5inch £10 each18/03/24
173 x L333 ~4.5 inches :Three L333 plecos available. Around 4.5" in length. Very active and very healthy. £30 each.13/03/24
18Sturisoma aureum x2 :Two very active female Sturisoma aureum, bought as wild caught. Both 6.5-7" and very healthy. Proven to spawn with large clutches I ha ...09/03/24
19Ocean Rock with large pieces approx 40kg :For sale - ocean rock with some nice big pieces, bought so they can be stacked into an aesthetic structure for cichlids or other tropical fi ...02/03/24
20Teugelsi Bichir 16-18 inches for sale £50, Stockton-on-Tees TS21 :Stunning fish, that feeds well on pellets mussels and prawn. Contact me on WhatsApp for photos and videos. Thanks for reading, Jon02/03/24
21Megalodoras uranoscopus formally irwini 12 inches approx, Stockton-on-Tees, TS21 :Stunning fish, looking for £100 ono Contact me on WhatsApp for videos, etc. Cheers, Jon02/03/24
22Florida Gar 15-16 inches, Stockton-on-Tees TS21 :Nice looking Fish. Feeds on mussel, prawns and pellets. Looking for £150 ono Whatsapp for videos, etc. Cheers, Jon02/03/24
23Large bare tank :I have a brand new large bare aquarium for sale. Never been used. It was custom built for a client. When installing the lads chipped the ...19/01/24
24Fluval 106 filter :Approximately 4 years old. Good working order. Have bought a bigger tank and bigger filter so no longer need this one. Looking for a good ho ...29/12/23
25Fluval 106 filter :Approximately 4 years old. Good working order. Have bought a bigger tank and bigger filter so no longer need this one. Looking for a good ho ...29/12/23
26Fish for sale :Due to overcrowding I am thinning out my aquarium. I am selling some stunning F1 fish all approx 3-4inches. Fish include Placidachromius sta ...18/11/23
27N.D 5ft Aquarium and Stand :Stand and Hood in Beach wood in really good condition only a few years old. Tank has no scratches and holds approx 400 ltrs tank measures ...18/11/23
28L397 :L397s about 5cm for sale £12-50ea collection only Hemlington Middlesbrough.16/11/23
29GKS UK OPEN HIGH BREED GUPPY SHOW. :GKS UK Open High Breed Guppy Show & AGM. Holiday Express Inn. Saturday 7th October 2023. Only 2 weekends to this GKS UK Event. Vi ...20/09/23
30Breeding discus fish :I have 4 discus and I’m sure they have paired off, certainly have one pair. See pictures. Tanks, equipment and features also for sale Dr ...10/09/23
31Goonch catfish Predator :Giant Goonch catfish, not suitable for community fish aquariums, Approx 7/8 inches, £100 or possibly swap? Collection Stockton-On-Tees. An ...01/08/23
325ft tank :5ft tank on metal stand with white high gloss doors and top of tank surround, also comes with 2 external 1400l all pond solution filters ...06/07/23
335ft tank :5ft tank on metal stand with white high gloss doors and top of tank surround, also comes with 2 external 1400l all pond solution filters ...05/07/23
34FREE 4FT SUMP :No longer needed, watertight & free , Stockton-On-Tees. Msg or call 07788834916 thanks John10/06/23
35Large tropical oddballs, Teeside :Collection or delivery from Stockton on Tees Silver arrowana, 2ft £80 Ornate birchir 19 inches £100 Perfect Clown Knife, 2ft £100 Vi ...17/01/23
36Large rotkeil severum for sale :I have a large rotkeil severum for sale. Around 7-9'. I believe to be male. Big and chunky. Would consider swapping for other south amer ...02/12/22
37Wanted L046, :Hi looking for a group of L046 will consider young adults. Also interest in L260,L201 cash waiting for the right fish02/11/22
38Fish for sale hartlepool :Here you go marble Auoncara £3 each 4 for £10 Blue Dolphin £4 each 3 for £10 guppy£1.25 platty £1.25 Swodtails £1.25 white cloud minn ...02/11/22
39Florida Gar (£120) :For sale or swap? approx 11/12 inches, healthy eating pellets. Collection Stockton-On-Tees. (077888 34916) Thanks John31/08/22
40Bogwood :Reduced. 10 x pieces various shapes & sizes £15.00 .14/08/22
41Powerhead :Reduced Aqua one1100 power heads for sale £10.00 each 3 available thanks .14/08/22
42Coral sand :2 large buckets of coral sand £10.00 each thanks .14/08/22
43Any predators for sale north east England? :Looking to purchase any tropical predators for sale? Msg what you have got? Size, price & location? 077888 34916 Thanks John23/07/22
44for sale :proflora m602.m500.£50.00.nutafin co2 system £20 00.fluval 306 external filter £50.00.glow t8 hagen double light unit with tubes £30.00. ...13/07/22
45Caves :Aquarium ornaments x 3. Asking for £10.00 for all thanks .11/07/22
46Internal Filters :Fluval u4 internal filters for sale £20.00 each also make unknown internals £10.00 each thanks .27/06/22
47Guppy grass :Guppy grass for sale Perfect for fry Super fast growing £3 for a good amount Collection only Thanks for looking.10/05/22
48Super Red Bristlenose pleco :Super Red Bristlenose Plecs 1-2 inches long £10 each or 2 for £15 Too young too sex. Collection only The Bristlenose can be the ide ...10/05/22
49Albino Bristlenose plecos and Brown Bristlenose plecos :Albino Bristlenose plecos about an inch long £2 each Brown Bristlenose plecos about an inch long. Brown not available atm £1 each ...10/05/22
50Wanted tanks :Looking for some tanks preferred drilled but not essential any size considered. Let me know what you got I am travelling from Nottingham to ...27/04/22
51Albino corries :Albino Cory cats for sale £2 each Buy 5 get one free Collection only Thank you Kim26/04/22
52cardinals,neons, rummys ,swordtails, plattys ,shrimp, for sale middlesbrough :cardinal tetras 5 for £7 , rummynose tetras 5 for £7 ,neon tetras 5 for £6 ,lemon tetras 5 for £7 , large red swordtail £4.50 pair l ...20/04/22
53Cichlids for sale :Various Cichlids for sale phone for details04/04/22
54Platties (not available atm) :Platties for sale. £1.00 each Collection only Thanks for looking Kim19/03/22
55Red cherry shrimp (not available atm :Red cherry shrimp from my community tank. You'll get a mix of sexes and ages Beautiful red colour £1 each or 12 for £10 Buy 10 get 2 f ...19/03/22
56Fish,Cory and plecs :This is what I have in at the moment 2 inch Uara Cichlids £7 each 2 inch Toproedo Barbs £4 each 3 cm Blue Rainbow fish £1.50 each Ster ...01/02/22
57Tropical fish food :Tropical fish food available and cheaper than pet shop prices please message me to make your orders thank you30/01/22
58malawi book collection reduced £25 :malawi cichlids in their natural habitat 1st and 2nd editions i believe and quite hard to get hold of now complete with map of the lake. al ...22/01/22
59Marine Fish & Inverts Books :A large range of books for sale : (1) Reef Secrets: Starting Right, Selecting Fishes and Invertebrates, Advanced Biotope Techniques Softcov ...21/01/22
60Tanganyika cichlids books and bits :9 pieces of sandstone/limestone, around a dozen escargot shells. Four books ideal anyone starting out with Tanganyika cichlids £30 the lot ...10/01/22
61FOR SALE Altolamprologus Calvus and Sumba :4 ALto.Calvus Gold and2 black Pectoral. Also 2 Blue Dolphins. Think a pair?? About7inch Also.8 Alto. Sumba for sale. Must all go to ...07/01/22
62Cherry Shrimps :cherry shrimps , £1 each 6 for £5 ,12 for £10 ,20 for £15 good colour mixed males and females collection middlesbrough, txt cause dont ...22/11/21
63Blue Dolphin. CYrtocara Moorii :I have Two Blue Dolphin Cichlids for sale. I think it is a pair, but not 100% certain. About 10cm long. £15 the pair.13/11/21
64Cichlids :Hi all I have blue acaras and Malawi’s for sale or may swap I am in marske29/10/21
65Full set up for sale :Hi due to changes in my work i no longer have time to keep this running its cost me a lot of money to get it to where it is now. its running ...04/10/21
66Fish, plecs :Description: For sale Hartlepool 1.5 inch Diamond tetra £3 each 4 for £10 1 inch flame tetra £1.50 each 8 for £10 2 inch Geophagus s ...28/09/21
67Tank Bred German Rams :For sale. Rams about 6 months old. Lovely colours. £4 each.02/08/21
68Geophagus Brasiliensis x6 :Grown from fry, starting to need a bigger tank now and unfortunately personal circumstances prevent us from getting a bigger one as planned. ...25/07/21
69Fish, plecs :Description: For sale Hartlepool 1.5 inch Buenos Aires Trtra £1.50 each 8 for £10 1 inch serpae tetra £1 each 1 inch cardinal tetra £ ...15/07/21
70Frontosa wanted :Hi im wanting frontosa please let me know if you have any available around northeast 0787253188808/07/21
71Selling Aquarium plus fish :Aquarium Job Lot for sale. Aquarium measuring 147cm wide, 64cm High and Depth 60cm. I am selling this tank including all peripherals and ...21/06/21
72350 litre jewel aquarium :48 x 24 x 20 aquarium on dark wood stand. Has 4x tube lights and hood. Can include 2500lph filter if needed. its in excellent condition. ...21/06/21
73Koi :X3 3to4 inch koi. Hariwake butterfly Gold ghost koi Showa koi 9 inch doitsu sanke £50 Collection only stockton.. 0793312850218/06/21
74Mbuna 40+ Middlesborough :Selection of Malawis different sizes all must go. Carlo.rossi121159@gmail.com Middlesbrough29/05/21
75Fish plecs catfish :Description: For sale Hartlepool 1.5 inch Buenos Aires Trtra £1.50 each 1 inch Red & blue Columbian Tetra £1 1 inch Red Eye tetra ...13/05/21
76Fish, plecs, cory, catfish, tetra, loach :Description: For sale Hartlepool 1.5 inch Buenos Aires Trtra £1.50 each 1 inch Red & blue Columbian Tetra £1 1 inch Red Eye tetra ...29/04/21
774 large discus for sale :Four discus cobolt blue and orange.18/04/21
78Fish, plecs & catfish whiptails l numbers :Description: For sale Hartlepool 4 cm silver dollars £4 each 3 for £10 2 cm sterbai Cory £3 each 4 for £10 1 inch + Electric Blue Ram ...14/04/21
79Plecs,fish,catfish,cory :Description: For sale Hartlepool 4 cm silver dollars £4 each 3 for £10 2 cm sterbai Cory £3 each 4 for £10 1 inch + Electric Blue Ram ...05/04/21
80Fish,plecs,cory :For sale Hartlepool 1 inch + Electric Blue Rams £5 each 2 Inch + Angels £5 each 3 inch Electric Blue Acara £5.00 4 inch Red Tailed Sh ...15/03/21
81Full set up for sale :20 to 25 fish some koi /ghost carp /and various fish all big pond fish .would consider selling fish separately. Only selling as moving house ...13/03/21
82Plecs, Cory, Fish :For sale Hartlepool 3 inch Electric Blue Acara £5.00 2 inch Redhump geophagus £3.50 2 inch Ellioti Cichlid £3 each 2.5 inch Glass C ...16/02/21
83Fish, plec, cory, cichlids, catfish :For sale Hartlepool 3 inch Electric Blue Acara £5.00 2 inch Redhump geophagus £3.50 2 inch Ellioti Cichlid £3 each 2.5 inch Glass C ...10/02/21
84Fish, Cory,plecs & catfish :For sale Hartlepool 3 inch Electric Blue Acara £5.00 1.5 inch Redhump geophagus £3.50 2 .5 inch L501 £15 each 2 for £25 2 inch L40 ...05/02/21
85Plecs, Cory, Fish :3-4 Inch Electric Blue Acara £7.50 2-3 Inch Electric Blue Acara £5 1.5 inch Redhump geophagus £4 2 .5 inch L501 £17.50 each 1.5 - ...15/01/21
86WANTED :wanted corydoras eversi c065s,,,,,,would need postage 0787622450430/12/20
87Fly River turtle / pig nose turtle for sale 16year old :I am shutting down my fish tank I have a 16 year old Fly River turtle for sale I’m presuming it’s a Male Very large size so big fish t ...09/12/20
88Discus - ALL FOR SALE :Pm Me For Details etc Strains available are Penang Eruption,Red Valentine,Tiger Snakeskin,pigeon Snakeskin,White Butterfly,Red Melon,Golden ...17/11/20
89Corydoras :Cw28 super szawrts all adult size 11 in total these are 5cm+ in size £25 each Telephone 0755469009411/11/20
90Clown loach :I have 2 clown loach approx 3 inches in size fit and healthy for sale £20.middesbrough area .contact dave on 07757062418 if interested.06/11/20
91Tropheus duboisi :I'm looking for some young tropheus duboisi around 15.preferably in the teeside area.28/10/20
92Various tropical fish for sale :Neon yellow/sunset platy £2.50 a pair Black red guppy £2.50 a pair Neon dwarf rainbows 6 for £5 Neon tetra 6 for £5 corydoras ve ...27/10/20
935ft jewel tank full set up :Jewel 5ft x 18” x 26” tank, stand,lid, all pond solution 2000ef external filter, 1x 300w heater, air pump, coral gravel could do with ne ...18/10/20
945ft jewel tank full set up :Jewel 5ft x 18” x 26” tank, stand,lid, all pond solution 2000ef external filter, 1x 300w heater, air pump, coral gravel could do with ne ...18/10/20
955ft jewel tank full set up :Jewel 5ft x 18” x 26” tank, stand,lid, all pond solution 2000ef external filter, 1x 300w heater, air pump, coral gravel could do with ne ...18/10/20
96Fish :Shutting down tank so selling all my Malawi’s, all breeding labs, red zebras, heps also got peacocks in the tank all fish ranging from 2 ...10/10/20
97 WANTED T5 BULBS :wanted 2x white and 2x blue t5 1200 bulbs cash waiting Stockton on tees area08/10/20
985ft jewel tank full set up :Jewel 5ft x 18” x 26” tank, stand,lid, all pond solution 2000ef external filter, 1x 300w heater, air pump, coral gravel could do with ne ...06/10/20
99 WANTED :Large custom fish tank wanted, to put rays and arowana in, Full set up or just bare tank, sumped or external prefured, but not necessary mus ...02/10/20
100Wanted breeding pair Jaguar Cichlids :Hi there, I'm after a breeding pair of Jaguar Cichlids, North East area but can travel. Cheers27/09/20
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 

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