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1Red rose crossback arowana 8 inch : New strain dont think theres many of these about, hes not getting along with my golden arrow even after 1 month of being together so now looking for a new home, comes with cites ce ... full details06/02/25No
2Albino silver arowana : Roughly 6 inches in size, no fault of his own my asian arowana has just took a dislike on him hence the sale £135 no offers full details05/02/25No
3Fly river turtle 6 inch : I have decided to sell one of my turtles and only keep the 1. Extremely healthy very active eats pellets fruits pretty much anything,its around 6-7 inches still young good size to ... full details05/02/25No
4Monster clown loaches wanted : Looking to add more to my group dont mind travelling message me with what you have must be 9 inches minimum full details25/01/25No
53x Large Clown loach : SOLD Selling my smaller ones out the group,all super healthy.Biggest is about 6.5 inch,smaller one around 6 inch and the smallest is around the 5 inch mark.£95 for all 3 no offer ... full details25/01/25No
62x Adult Geophagus altifron : Both Adults around 7-8 inches paid £90 few months back will take £55 full details24/01/25No
7Silver albino arowana 12 inch : SOLD ** Bought from topstingrays had him since he was about 5 inch,i have on order an asian arowana which cost me a fortune hence the sale of this one,eats like no tomorrow whatsap ... full details12/01/25No
8Florida gar : 2 sold my last one left now around 6-7 inches £85 will swap for other predators 07947213200 full details07/01/25No
9Azul peacock bass 8 inch : SOLD** Lovely colours eats like a pig just thinning out stock perfect fish £60 full details31/12/24No
10Predator fish wanted : Cheshire area but will travel for the right fish any preds for sale message me 07947213200 full details05/12/24No
114 x Clown loach 3-5 inch : 2 is around 3.5-4inch and the bigger 2 are about 4-5 inch £60 for the 4 07947213200 full details12/11/24No
1211 inch albino oscar & 10 inch Red tiger oscar : As above swaps for other predatory fish or give me an offer. 07947213200 full details01/11/24No
134 Adult Filament Barbs 6-7inch : Selling a group really peaceful fish really nice colours very rarely seen at this size £35 for all of them or swaps for other fish message me 07947213200 full details27/10/24No
14Adult Synodontis catfish : Good size about 7inch thinning out some stock £10 full details14/10/24No
15Datnoid wanted : Any stable datnoids for sale around cheshire area message me must have clean bars and be atleast 5 inches 07947213200 full details05/10/24No
1611 inch mono bass £50 : SOLD* Unreal colours eats like crazy no fault of his own will do swaps for other SMALL predators 07947213200 full details05/10/24No
172 x Geophagus Red Head Tapojos : I have a male and female healthy fish always hungry adults looking for £35 for both of them message me for pics full details23/08/24No
18Florida gar wanted : Looking for a florida gar based in Cheshire willing to travel within reason message me 07947213200 full details11/07/24No
1910 inch Pleco : £10 collection Chester,bigger fish wont leave it alone message me for pictures wont let me upload here full details10/07/24No


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