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1Breeding Pairs of Lake Tanganyika Cichlids. : Wild breeding pair of L Helianthus Kamaconde and as many fry as we can catch. Breeding pair of Julidochromis Transcriptus Gombi and as many fry as we can catch. Breeding pa ... full details30/03/16No
2Breeding Pairs of Lake Tanganyika Cichlids. : Description: Description: Description: Wild breeding pair of L Brevis Kavala and as many fry as we can catch. SOLD Wild breeding pair of L Occelatus Isanga and as many fry as w ... full details23/03/16No
3Breeding Pairs of Lake Tanganyika Cichlids. : Description: Description: Wild breeding pair of L Brevis Kavala and as many fry as we can catch. SOLD Wild breeding pair of L Occelatus Isanga and as many fry as we can catch. ... full details20/03/16No
4Breeding Pairs of Lake Tanganyika Cichlids. : Description: Wild breeding pair of L Brevis Kavala and as many fry as we can catch. SOLD Wild breeding pair of L Occelatus Isanga and as many fry as we can catch. SOLD Wild b ... full details16/03/16No
5Breeding Pairs of Lake Tanganyika Cichlids. : Wild breeding pair of L Brevis Kavala and as many fry as we can catch. Wild breeding pair of L Occelatus Isanga and as many fry as we can catch. Wild breeding pair of L Helia ... full details13/03/16No
6Tangs, Lamps and Julies. : I have for sale Julidochromis Regani Kipili small. Julidochromis Transcriptus Gombi med + large Julidochromis Ornatus small Lamprologus Occelatus Gold small, med, large, jumbo ... full details17/12/15No
7Tanganyikan Cichlids for sale. : I have for sale Julidochromis Regani Kipili small. Julidochromis Transcriptus Gombi med + large Julidochromis Ornatus small Lamprologus Occelatus Gold small, med, large, jumbo ... full details11/12/15No
8Lamps and Julies. : I have for sale Julidochromis Regani Kipili small. Julidochromis Transcriptus Gombi med + large Julidochromis Ornatus small Lamprologus Occelatus Gold small, med, large, jumbo ... full details08/12/15No
9Tanganyikan Cichlids for sale. : I have for sale Julidochromis Regani Kipili small. Julidochromis Transcriptus Gombi med + large Julidochromis Ornatus small Lamprologus Occelatus Gold small, med, large, jumbo ... full details01/12/15No


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