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Tropical Fish Aquariums & Equipment Marine Fish & Inverts Malawi Tanganyikan Discus Cichlids
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Malawi Cichlids & Tanganyikan Cichlids
 PLANET AROWANA PREMIUM AQUARIUMS - TROPICAL & MARINE TANKS : We are proud to Introduce our new bespoke Aquariums - Tropical & Marine Tanks Available These aquariums are fully bespoke and we h ...28/03/25

1. WANTED MOBA FONTOSAS : MOBA fontosas wanted no rubbish adults or fry 21/12/24
2. Moori dolphins and yellow labs : 7 moori dolphins 6 or 17 yellow labs Available now £100 for all collection Calverton nottingham 18/12/24
3. Fossochromis Rostratus breeding group : Fossochromis Rostratus {malawi sand divers}Breeding group approx 4 inch £8 each approx 10 available Huyton.Collection only. 15/12/24
4. Pseudotropheus/ Chindongo Saulosi : Sub adult male and 2 proven females. These cichlids are prolific breeders when they settle in, which is brilliant to watch. £30 and pick up only from S35 9YW. Any questions te ... 11/12/24
5. WANTED MOBAS : MOBA group wanted and fry can pick up 06/12/24
6. Malwais : Malwali chilids. 10x £7 each healthy. About 6 months. 4 inches Contact information- +44 7405 109118 05/12/24
7. SuperVC10 : 2 Large SuperVC10 WhatsApp for pics 7"+ £40 for both 07827015753 02/12/24
8. Morri dolphins blue dolphins : Albino Morri dolphins and dolphins need space all 4 inch and over prices blues £15 whites £20 01/12/24
9. Dolphins : White albino dolphins n blue dolphins all adults range from 4 inch £15 to £20 each 01/12/24
10. Wanted : After some xenos if anyone got any for sale not worried which type 29/11/24
11. Malawi cichlids wanted Bolton area : I will be looking for some Malawi cichlids in about a week. If you live in or very near to Bolton and have some for sale,msg me and I might buy them if I like them. Anything consi ... 27/11/24
12. Frontosa for sale all sizes red, blue and others : Frontosa Burundi - 5” £40 Frontosa Red breeding group of around 7 large fish up to 12” Breeding group of Burundi one male and 4 female maybe one sub dominant male . ... 20/11/24
13. Wanted : Anyone have any salousi going Also mpanga. lions cover. Or similar around Cheshire Merseyside area. Thanks 15/11/24
14. Neolamprologus leleupi [lemon cichlid] & female Copadichrois sp. : Adult Neolamprologus leleupi [lemon cichlid] X1 & Female Copadichromis sp. {with sulphur crest x1: £10 for both sold together Collect only, unless you live local to me in ... 15/11/24
15. Wanted : Hi all im after niagrapins blue neon adults or young 04/11/24
16. Fs trematocara stigmaticum : Trematocara stigmaticum young colony 4m/6fm already starting to breed...£360 no offers or time wasters please. 07376265171 03/11/24
17. Cyprichromis Leptasoma : Looking for a small group of cyps to add to an existing shoal; thanks for looking, 30/10/24
18. Malawi cichlids North East Scotland / Dundee : Malawi mbuna and haps available, Aberdeen area. Delivery possible in NE Scotland / Dundee area. Sorry no postage. I have fry and semi-adults of the species listed below. Aulo ... 30/10/24
19. over 60 malawi fish £70 the lot : got over 60 malawi fish for sale £70 the lot also 3 inch frontosa £10 each le3 area 30/10/24
20. baby frontosa 3 inch £10 each or deal for multi buy : got over 30 baby frontosa fish £10 each or deals for multi buy le3 area 30/10/24
21. 6 large juveniles aprox 4” - 5” £25 each deal for all : Collection Portchester Nr Portsmouth 13/10/24
22. Looking for metriclima Luwino reef zebra or lab pearlmutts : Hi does anyone have any Lab Pearlmutt or metriclima fanbizi Luwino reef zebra for sale? Happy to travel to collect 12/10/24
23. labidochromis caeruleus : I have 20 of these beautiful yellow wonders, which are a must have in any African cichlid set up. They are peaceful in a group and are happy with Mbuna, Malawi or Tanganyikan comm ... 11/10/24
24. Looking for metriclima Luwino reef zebra or lab pearlmutts : Hi does anyone have any Lab Pearlmutt or metriclima fanbizi Luwino reef zebra for sale? Happy to travel to collect 10/10/24
25. Malawi and Pleco Free : I have 4-5 Malawi and a pleco for free Please text me for more details 09/10/24
26. Sciaenochromis Fryeri females : I have for sale two Sciaenochromis Fryeri young females. They are 5-6 cm - £14 for both. Collection from Gravesend. 08/10/24
27. Protomelas Taeniolatus - Red Empress : I have for sale one young Red Empress female. She's around 7 cm but is already ready for breeding. £8 - collection from Gravesend. 08/10/24
28. Labeotropheus Trewavasae Thumbi West : I have for sale young male Trewavasae Thumbi West. He's around 7-8cm - £7. Collection from Gravesend. 08/10/24
29. Malawi cichlids for sale : Yellow labs X3 2 Males and 1 female - certified breeding pair £20 aulonocara X2 Breeding pair - £25 Grey shakei cichlid X2 Certified Breeding pair -£25 Grey s ... 03/10/24
30. Frontosa : Pair of breeding frontosa female has been fin nipped but all coming back nicely, very Large male collection only Lydd Kent TN29 **£100 the pair ** 02/10/24
31. XL Copadichromis borleyi Kadango males : These fish have grown huge very quickly! Still quite young, but fully adult male borleyi showing fantastic colour. 5"+ £25 each, four available. Take all four for £75. ... 01/10/24
32. Young malawi cichlids : I have young of these malawi cichlids in the photos for sale size fro inch to inch and a half. I also have brislenose plecos for sale too Collection from Ub6 8et 26/09/24
33. Malwai red zebra sold : One female red zebra 2 inches. £6.00 22/09/24
34. Frontosa Burundi available liverpool : Frontosa Burundi 3 male 6 female available liverpool £120ono, message 07377277446 on wotsapp only for pics an vids and any details, thanks in advance 21/09/24
35. African cichlids Mbuna juveniles 2-4” £3 each : Hi I’ve got a few Mbuna cichlids for sale I have got ice blue zebra, OB zebras and Yellow labs £3 each or 4 for £10 there around 2-4 inches in size if you want any please c ... 21/09/24
36. Malawi cichlids : Hi I’m selling mixed Malawi fry for £1.50 I have around 200 mainly Yellow lab fry Red zebra fry Feel free to contact me cheers Dave 19/09/24
37. Malawi cichlids : Hi I’m selling mixed Malawi fry for £1.50 I have around 200 mainly Yellow lab fry Red zebra fry Feel free to contact me cheers Dave 19/09/24
38. Malawi cichlids : Hi I’m selling mixed Malawi fry for £1.50 I have around 200 mainly Yellow lab fry Red zebra fry Feel free to contact me cheers Dave 18/09/24
39. Coral rock : I have eight pieces of coral rock for sale in various sizes. £20. 15/09/24
40. Wanted Yellow tail acei and yellow labs : Wanting these Malawi for a new set up. I'm in Barry south Glamorgan. 07480863684. Thanks 15/09/24
41. Venustus Hap/giraffe hap bulk : Venustus Hap/giraffe 1 inch + hap 25for£90 can do bigger orders for even cheaper 14/09/24
42. Venustus Hap/giraffe hap : Giraffe hap 2mnth old 5for £25 10 for £45 25 for £90 all eating pellets 14/09/24
43. XL frontosa : 10inch plus front. Literally best example I have ever seen. Based buntingford herts what's app for pics 14/09/24
44. Tropheus albino chipimbi breeding group : Hi Tropheus albino chipimbi. Breeding group of 20 adults and 8 young £700 Stunning fish. Pick up Bridgend South Wales Call for any more information. 07811161212 Regards ... 07/09/24
45. Adult frontosa 8in : Lovely adult frontosa about 8in in size. £50 Can send pic via whattsapp 04/09/24
46. Dolphins & Frontosa : Hi looking for frontosa and dolphins in tyne and wear can travel for right priced fish looking for inch plus 03/09/24
47. Tropheus Firecracker - Breeding Adults & Juveniles : •Breeding colony of TB Adult Tropheus Firecracker x24 £220 •Juvenile TB Tropheus Firecrackers 6cm-15cm from the adults x4/x5 spawns x25+ £150 Pictures & Videos on r ... 02/09/24
48. Malawi cichlid fry : Malawi cichlid fry 1mnth to 4mnths old mixed batches 10 for £45 large selection peacocks/obs hybrid peacocks orange blotched red tops red top ice blue just to name a few can post 27/08/24
49. Ob marbled peacock Malawi cichlid : Ob marbled peacock cichlid aulonocara fry all feeding on dry food mainly pellets £5 for £25 10 for £45 1inch 27/08/24
50. Powder blue Malawi cichlid : Powder blue cichlid 5 for £25 10 for £45 all feeding on dry food round 1inch in size 27/08/24
51. cyprichromis leptosoma mplungu for sale : I have a group of 20 at 6 cm £100 I will split into groups of 10 but not individuals or trios. Also 10 lelupi orange £5 each. Pick up only 07901996132 21/08/24
52. WILD METRICLIMA FAINZ LUNDO RED TOP : Hi all just testing the water here I have a large group of wild fainz Lundo red top £270 really good looking fish when they colour up I think there are 3 males 7 femal ... 15/08/24
53. WILD METRICLIMA FAINZ LUNDO RED TOP : Hi all just testing the water here I have a large group of wild fainz Lundo red top £270 really good looking fish when they colour up I think there are 3 males 7 femal ... 13/08/24
54. Group of 13 Frontosa £15 each or £130 for the Group SCOTLAND : Group of 13 Frontosa ranging from 2.5-4.5’ £15 each or £130 for the group collection Kinross or can deliver for small fee. WhatsApp or message me for pictures won’t let me at ... 12/08/24
55. Red top ice blue Malawi cichlid : Red top ice blue cichlid 5 for £25 10 for £45 1inch in size 12/08/24
56. Peacock Group : Moving on my group of Peacocks. Have 2 males, one 6" stunning orange Blotch. Rest are OB females. Have been breeding well. To go as a group. £80 - Collection Only Southampton ... 06/08/24
57. ichlids Shell Dweller Neolamprologus : Hi, small group of 9-10 available to go to a good home. Neolamprologus multifasciatus shell Dwellers. will all need to go as one.£15 Shells not included. If they are required c ... 03/08/24
58. Tanganyikan Cihlids wanted : Have a Large tank of Tanganyikan cichlids which has dwindled in stock over the years. Looking for decent sized Tanganyikan Cichlids to add. Open to lots of different species, lo ... 01/08/24
59. Tropheus Bulu Point F1 : F1 Tropheus Bulu Point available from my wild caught group: Fish size ranges 2 to 3 inches. £8 - £10 each depending on size Contact: 07794563543 01/08/24
60. Malawi cichlids : Hi looking to buy cichlids, will travel in nth west and also plecs Cheers 31/07/24
61. Malawi Cichlids for sale, peacocks, yellow labs : Peacocks and labs for sale as seen in photos, have been grown on from fry and now need to go. Peacocks are £10 and labs £5 each can do good deal for job lot as they’re now too ... 30/07/24
62. Black Widow Frontosa 4.5”. £20 : Text for photo 07721 007762 Michael Bonnick 30/07/24
63. Frontosa Kipili 7 inch £40 : Call 07721 007762 Text for photo Michael Bonnick 30/07/24
64. Frontosa 6 Stripe 5 inch £25 : Text or call 07721 007762 for photo Michael Bonnick 30/07/24
65. Wanted - Sciaenochromis ahli Greater Manchester area. : Can collect from the Greater Manchester area or slightly beyond. Preferably a larger pair or a larger single male. 28/07/24
66. Tank shut down : 1x fully grown female strawberry peacock 1x fully grown female red rubin peacock 1x fully grown male yellow lab 1x fully grown male pseudotropheus lombardoi Around 15 young fr ... 26/07/24
67. Large Malawi cichlids clown loach L134 : *********** SOLD ************* ****** THANKS FOR THE INTEREST********* I am closing down my tank and selling all of my fish. I have 10 or so Malawi cichlids Some are large spe ... 23/07/24
68. Frontosa for sale : One 7” Kipili, One six stripe 5” and one Black Widow 4.5”. £100 for all three. Can’t upload photos will send via pm. Mike Bonnick email: malawimikey@yahoo.co.uk 22/07/24
69. F1 BLUE ZAIRE MOBA : Thinning my group of f1 blue zaire frontosa. Big male 6-7 inches and 2 or 3 females 16/07/24
70. F1 Eretmodus Marksmithi Kekese : 4-5cm in size , beatifull blue dots on the head Collection only form Woodford Green east London 13/07/24
71. F1 Altolamprologus gold head : I have some beautiful alto gold heads for sale Males 5/6cm Females 3/4cm Collection form Woodford east London 13/07/24
72. Fish for sale : Selling as changing back to community, miss having plants So most fish are £20each or 3 for £50 Fish that are individually priced are: Starry night 8" plus £50 2x 7 ... 08/07/24
73. F1 bulu point : Stunning f1 bulu point mixed sizes showing great colour £10 each or £8 each for above 10 message for videos 04/07/24
74. Stunning sapphire stars : Hi i have 81 sapphire stars most are around 3" females abit smaller. Looking to sell as job lot i won't take ridiculous prices offered as i know they are not cheap fish. Video ava ... 03/07/24
75. 16 x MBUNA MALAWI CICHLID VIBRANT COLOURS : I have: 3 x acei Ngara I think 2m 1f but unsure 5 x yellow labs, unsure of sex 5 x labeotropheus trewavasse thumbi? 2m 3f 3 x red zebra All vibrant and around 2.5-5” be ... 29/06/24

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