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Home :: Koi, Goldfish & Ponds


Description: FOR SALE is a variety of large pond fish and various pond equipment.

The photo used shows all the fish in the tank when it was drained to a quarter of the normal depth so they can be seen more clearly, to give an idea of size the width of the tank is 6 foot 4 inches (195cm), this is also drawn on the photo. There are more photos if you would like a closer look.

Sale of house means they must be sold at some point. Please contact if you are interested or would like to come and have a look, please see sizes below first.

Currently in the tank for sale:
10x Koi/Ghost Koi Carp (most approx 30")
2x Large Sturgeon (approx. 4 foot)
1x Large Leather Carp (est. 25lb)

Prices per fish
1. £1000
2. £800
3. £800
4. £600
5. £900
6. £800
7. £200
8. £150
9. £1000
10. £600
11. £750 (est. 25lb at £30 per lb)
12. £300
13. £200

For up to date details please check the following link:

Contact Information
Advertiser: Dan
Telephone: please email
Town: Leek
County: Staffordshire
Web Link: ...

Advert stats: [Added or updated:12/09/10 Views: 3886]

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