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  ZM fry feed success with marine clownfish and dottyback rearing

Description: ZM Fry Food – for both freshwater and marine fish from 30g to 1.5kg quantities

Latest marine success with clownfish and dottyback rearing with ZM-200, ZM-300, and ZM-400 feeds.

Latest freshwater success with tiger barb rearing at Sparsholt College with the ZM-100.

The ZM fry diets are initially semi-bouyant to simulate live feeds and the inclusion of shrimp meal acts as a powerful feed attractant even to species that normally require livefeeds. The feed range has defined particle size bands to maximise the quantity of feed available to each batch of fry and prevent pollution from uneaten particles that are either too large or too small. This diet can be used for a wide range of both freshwater and marine fish species; see feed chart for exmaples.

The ZM Fry Feed sizes available:

ZM-100 (80-200 microns) as an alternative/supplement to Artemia

ZM-200 (150-300 microns) as an alternative/supplement to Artemia

ZM-300 (300-500 microns) suitable for young and mature adults

ZM-400 (500-800 microns) suitable for young and mature adults - an excellent size for cichlids.

Nutritional Profile:

Protein Protein 60.0%, Oil 14.5%, Ash 11.5%, Moisture 7.0%, Vit. A. 30,000 I.U./kg, Vit. D3 2,500 I.U./kg, Vit. E 400 mg/kg, Vit. C 2,000 mg/kg, w3 HUFA 28 mg/kg


Storage details:

Keep in the fridge or cool dry place.

Customer satisfaction:

At ZM we strive for customer satisfaction with all our transactions whether single or multiple purchases; see our feedback for the positive response and repeat purchases.

Please see our EBAY SHOP and our website for other pack sizes and for other quality feeds and equipment including brine shrimp hatchers and strainers, brine shrimp cysts, live rotifers and live algae, spirulina, fry feeds and granular feeds

Our ZM feeds regularly feature in the "Practical Fishkeeping" magazine in breeders articles see:

Contact Information
Advertiser: ZM
Telephone: 0780 858 4375
Town: Winchester
County: Hampshire
Web Link:
Web Link: ...

Advert stats: [Added or updated:27/04/07 Views: 3094]

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