lots of rare and unusual fish now available, due to a sudden success in breeding.
medium angels -£2.00 FEW
green severums-£2.00 FEW
L bristlenose -£5.50
L182 ancistrus? -£12.00(4", small pinprick golden spots, FEW)
L270 hypancistrus -£17.50 FEW(large 5")
banjo catfish -6.00(1 remaining)
microglanis bumblebee cat -£6.00
convicts(LARGE) -£0.50
cryptoheros sajica-£2.50
"false jade eyes" -£2.00(possibly cryptoheros spirulus)
small burton mouthbrooders-£1.50
chrysichthys brachynema -£45.00 or 2 for £80.00
synodontis sp? -£5.00(not hybrid, small, but not upside down, no spots, bronzy)
L goldfish - £2.50
i am also able to get in fish on request, mainly south and cental american catfish and cichlids.
just a few of the fish i can get hold of are:
most L numbers
magnum plec
and many more
tiger shovelnose, red tail cat, shovelnose, pseudopimelodus, chaca chaca, and many more.
most cryptoheros, most geophagus and satanoperca, thorichthys aureus, thorichthys ellioti, most couth and central american cichlids, and some african cichlids & catfish.
for more information, either visit my website, by following the link, or call 07789804452
or email acc_aquatics@hotmail.co.uk
Contact Information Advertiser: acc aquatics Telephone: 07950 374176
Town: beaconsfield
County: buckinghamshire
Web Link: http://www.freewebs.com/acc_aquatics
Advert stats: [Added or updated:11/11/06 Views: 4976]
