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  ORP/mV controller with 2 year warranty and probe only £99.99

Description: Aqua Digital mV ORP Controller

ORP/MV controllers are used widely for the control of ozonizers and nitrate filters. If you run an ozoniser it is imperative you control it. Ideal for use in Marine-Reef / tropical and fresh water aquariums.

Although the Aqua Digital controller looks similar to cheap units found on auction sites, there is a massive difference. The units found on auction sites are NOT UK specified or even CE approved for safety.

The Aqua Digital Controllers have been developed to the highest standard. The controller has an accuracy range far beyond similar products at nearly 3 times the price of this ORP controller.

Combined with the 2 year warranty and the fact the ORP controller comes complete with probe and PG13.5 gland for nitrate filters to fit the probe into, this has got to be one of the best deals.

What is ORP and REDOX?

Redox or better know of short as ORP is eminently important as an indicator not only of a system's capacity for cycling waste, but indeed of chemically supporting fish, plant, and invertebrate life. There are both oxidation (e.g. biological conversion of ammonia to nitrites to nitrates) and reduction (ridding systems of nitrate aka denitrification, bio-phosphate PO3) that must occur readily in a truly closed system to support microbe life.

Redox is measured indirectly as the ability of an aquatic system to conduct electricity, in millivolts (mV, 1/1000 of a volt). Hence the term Redox potential, or, if you will, ORP for, you guessed it, Oxidation-Reduction Potential. Testing can be done periodically, but ORP can change so rapidly that in order to fully benefit, most people who are so inclined, check the reading on a daily basis.

CE Assured
Large easy to read LED display
240 Volt ac
5 amp max switching relay
240v control socket
Probe included

Contact Information
Advertiser: Monitors_Direct
Telephone: 0844 357 0799
Town: Southampton
County: Hampshire
Web Link: ...

Advert stats: [Added or updated:24/11/08 Views: 3764]

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