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Description: New stock arrived!!

To celebrate the Biorbforums 10th birthday we are offering a special anniversary deal of 10 Orb-it filter sponges for just £10 delivered to UK customers! Our non-UK customers also don't get left out with special deals for Europe, USA & rest of the world.

Orb-it Biorb filter sponges for BiOrb(R), Baby BiOrb(R), BiUbe(R), Biorb Flow(R), Spiorb(R) and Biorb Life(R) tanks - 10 pack of sponges only £10 SHIPPED!

As recommended and fully supported on the Biorb forum, Orbit Biorb compatible filter sponges are custom designed by Orb-it specifically to fit the standard BiOrb(R), Baby BiOrb(R), BiUbe(R), BiOrb Flow(R) and Biorb Life(R) filter cartridges these replacement sponge filters are fully tested and fully compatible!

Sold in cost-effective packs of ten sponges for a minimum of ten months supply if changed monthly - these Biorb compatible sponges offer great savings and tremendous value for money... why keep paying out for expensive service kit filter cartridges that you already have?

They are priced at just £10 per 10 pack of filter sponges including P&P and will be mailed 'royal mail' postage in the UK. Overseas rates are on the orbitfilters web site.

Worldwide shipping - visit website
for ordering details.


TOTAL JUST £10 (including UK P&P)



As with any aquarium filter it is possible to run biorb filters carbon free! Many of the 8000+ Biorb forum members choose to. There is a how to instructional video for both with carbon or carbon free methods together with detailed info on the benefits of each method at the orbit filters shop.

NOTE: DOES NOT INCLUDE ACTIVATED CARBON which can be bought very inexpensively on-line. Recommend Seachem MatrixCarbon 250 mL size will easily treat 400 L (approx.100 gallons) for several months - so will last well over a year with a 60L Biorb/BiUbe(R)


Why not join the "unofficial" Biorb forum, full orbit Biorb compatible filter sponge user support and a really friendly atmosphere.


Orb-it replacement filter FITTING INSTRUCTIONS

1. Remove bubble tube from your used cartridge as usual.
2. Discard your old sponge filter and the filter media (the white and black granules in the filter tray under the sponge). Lift out the filter media tray and wash/rinse in warm water together with the cartridge body.
3. Rinse approximately 4 heaped teaspoons of Activated Carbon PELLETS* leave to dry (taking only a few seconds) Place the activated carbon pellets evenly around the filter media tray.
4. Insert the filter media tray into the cartridge body, place the new filter sponge on top with in the filter cartridge body. Replace the bubble tube. Your ready to go!
* Use Activated Carbon Pellets not granules as the granules will pass though the filter tray mesh into the Biorb!

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(R) The trade marks biOrb, biUbe, Baby biOrb, biOrb Flow and biOrb Life belong to Reef One Limited. The biOrb itself is protected through Registered Design rights and pending patents.
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Check out the NEW BiOrb Flow Blog! @

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Advert stats: [Added or updated:03/03/16 Views: 12378]

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